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[gnso-osc] FW: Nairobi Schedule

  • To: <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] FW: Nairobi Schedule
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 17:46:28 -0500

With a lot of the GNSO Improvements work coming to a head, I think it would be 
a good idea to hold an in-person OSC meeting in Nairobi with teleconference 
support for those not present.  Does anyone disagree with this?
I believe the time zone in Nairobi will be UTC +3.  It appears that a late 
afternoon meeting time on either Saturday or Sunday, March 6th or 7th, might be 
optimal across all time zones.  What would be helpful before we decide on that 
would be to find out who plans to be in Nairobi on those two days and who would 
need to participate remotely.  That will help us optimize scheduling.
Please communicate your plans in the next two weeks if possible.


From: Glen de Saint Géry [mailto:Glen@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 5:26 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck
Cc: Glen de Saint Géry; Stéphane Van Gelder
Subject: Nairobi Schedule

Operations Steering Committee (OSC) 




The GNSO Council is currently working on finalizing its agenda for the next 
ICANN meeting, in Nairobi.


As Chair of one of the GNSO's Working Groups or Working Teams, you may feel the 
need to request time with the Council during the Nairobi meeting.


Should this be the case, please send your request to me, copying the GNSO 
secretariat (on GNSO.Secretariat@xxxxxxxxx), so that we can best see how to 
accommodate it.


To help us make headway on the Council's agenda as quickly and efficiently as 
possible, we would appreciate receiving your response no later than a week from 
now, January 19th.


Thank you,


Stéphane Van Gelder

GNSO Council Vice Chair.



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