[gnso-osc] Transition to Adobe Connect 8 on 14 January 2011
Dear All, For your information, Adobe will be upgrading their Adobe Connect servers to use version 8 of their software on 14 January 2011. This is supposed to a seamless upgrade, adding ease of use and functionality. This will not be a service-impacting event. The only thing you will need to do is install the new plugin from your internet browser when prompted to do so by the meeting room you are entering. You only need to do this once. Adobe is boasting some new features, notably the pods being more user friendly and advanced. The meeting will have a new look and feel, yet still be familiar. There should also be full compatibility with Ubuntu Linux. Here are some brief overview videos which will introduce you to the new software from the point-of-view of a: Host: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-adobe-connect-8/adobe-connect-8-jumpstart-for-hosts/ Presenter: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-adobe-connect-8/adobe-connect-8-jumpstart-for-presenters/ Participant: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-adobe-connect-8/adobe-connect-8-jumpstart-for-participants/ Here are some brief overviews of new features like the: Attendees Pod: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-adobe-connect-8/using-the-attendees-pod-in-adobe-connect-8/ Q&A Chat Pods: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-adobe-connect-8/using-the-qa-and-chat-pods-in-adobe-connect-8/ This explains more details about the new features being introduced: http://goo.gl/PFszP Or see attached pdf for a list of the new features. Marika Konings Attachment:
Adobe_Connect_8 - Overview of features.pdf |