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[gnso-pednr-dt] For final review - PEDNR Initial Report

  • To: PEDNR <gnso-pednr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pednr-dt] For final review - PEDNR Initial Report
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 12:50:44 -0700

Dear All,

Please find an updated version of the PEDNR Initial Report posted on the wiki 
(https://st.icann.org/post-expiration-dn-recovery-wg) for final review. This 
version includes the edits / comments suggested by Alan, the results of the 
survey and the attendance information. To facilitate review, you’ll find a 
redline and a clean version, in addition to the attendance sheet and the survey 

Please share any comments / edits with the mailing list as soon as possible but 
no later then 16.00 UTC on Sunday 30 May. Following that deadline, the document 
will be posted.



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