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[gnso-pednr-dt] Exceptions

  • To: PEDNR <gnso-pednr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pednr-dt] Exceptions
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 12:30:35 -0800

Dear All,

In response to the question on exceptions, it was suggested that the WG might 
want to take a look at the ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with 
Privacy Law, at http://icann.org/en/processes/icann-procedure-17jan08.htm, that 
outlines a procedure to be used for requesting waiver from full compliance with 
Whois requirements based on privacy laws. While an exceptions procedure as 
envisioned in the PEDNR might not need to be as detailed or complex, it might 
serve as a starting point.

With best regards,


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