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RE: [gnso-pednr-dt] Proposal regarding Guaranteed renewal period and blackout

  • To: "Alan Greenberg" <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>, "PEDNR" <gnso-pednr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-pednr-dt] Proposal regarding Guaranteed renewal period and blackout
  • From: "Mason Cole" <masonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 16:26:18 -0800

Alan --

I have to say that I don't know how this could be engineered into
registrar systems, implemented, complied with and enforced as policy by
ICANN.  I don't know how it would reasonably be explained to our
customers in a way they could understand.  I don't even think I
understand it myself.

Please take my input as polite and constructive, as it's intended.  I
just don't believe, based on operational experience, that these kinds of
engineering minutiae will add clarity or prevent unintended losses.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Greenberg [mailto:alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 9:39 PM
Subject: [gnso-pednr-dt] Proposal regarding Guaranteed renewal period
and blackout

As discussed during our last meeting, here is a proposal that may 
satisfy the needs of registrars while still meeting the "blackout" 
requirement that many users feel is needed.

Note that I personally am still not accepting the 10-day period 
proposed by James, but I am interested in trying to close the other 
differences that we have and perhaps this proposal will help move us 
in the right direction.

I have thought about this proposal a fair amount since our meeting, 
and what follows is a bit different from what I proposed then. This 
difference, I believe, will allow it to be acceptable to all without 
the need for any exceptions. For brevity, I am using the term 
"blackout" to refer to the redirection or unavailability of port 80 
traffic, and the lack of any response on all other ports.


The domain name will be renewable by the RAE for a period of no less 
than 10 full days after expiration, but in all cases for at least 8 
full days after the domain name is blacked out. This notwithstanding, 
the Registrar may Delete the name at any time after expiration and 
prior to renewal by the RAE.



- A registrar that blacks out the domain soon after expiration must 
provide only 10 days.
- A registrar who chooses to give 30 days grace before blackout must 
provide 38 days total.
- A registrar who chooses to give a registrant 6 months grace (for 
whatever reason) can do so, but they must still blackout the name 
prior to making it no longer renewable by the RAE.
- A registrar who wants to delete the name at any time once it has 
expired and has not been renewed by the RAE may do so without notice 
or delete. It will then go into the 30 day RGP. This will be true 
during the 45 day ARGP or during the period that follows (assuming 
the registrar has accepted the registry renewal but has still not had 
the RAE renew his/her contract with the registrar.

I look forward to hearing comments on this.


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