[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Updated documents for WG call today
Hello everyone, The Chairs have updated the list of questions for discussion, as well as the Sub-Team's proposed Work Plan. Both are attached to this email, so please refer to these for our call later today. For your convenience, the agenda is reproduced below as well: 1. Update from Definitions Sub-Team (5 minutes) 2. Update from Work Plan Sub-Team (35 minutes) a. Go over workflow grid b. Go over suggested workflow (i) A list of suggested sub-teams will be circulated to the WG before the meeting 3. Introduce plan for populating remaining sub-teams (5 minutes) 4. Planning for BA (40 minutes) a. reiterate GNSO weekend update day and time, and WG face-to-face meeting day and time b. Go over possible list of questions for BA meeting 5. AOB Thanks and cheers Mary Mary Wong Senior Policy Director Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) Telephone: +1 603 574 4892 Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx * One World. One Internet. * Attachment:
PI Workplan 29 Oct 2013.xlsx Attachment:
PI WG questions for 30 Oct.docx