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[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Attendance and Recording Policy and Implementation WG meeting - 03 September 2014

  • To: "gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] Attendance and Recording Policy and Implementation WG meeting - 03 September 2014
  • From: Terri Agnew <terri.agnew@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 23:16:37 +0000

Dear All,


The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled
next week on Wednesday 10 September at 19:00 UTC for 1 hour.


Please find the MP3 recording for the Policy and Implementation Working
group call held on Wednesday 03 September 2014 at 19:00 UTC at:




On page: 



The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master
Calendar page:

 <http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/



Cheryl Langdon-Orr - At-Large

Olevie Kouami - NPOC

Greg Shatan-IPC

J Scott Evans - BC

Amr Elsadr-NCUC

Michael Graham - IPC

Anne Aikman Scalese - IPC

Alan Greenberg-ALAC 

Tom Barrett - RrSG

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben - ISPCP

Jonathan Frost - RySG



Chuck Gomes - RySG

Stephanie Perrin - NCUC


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Amy Bivins

Marika Konings

Karen Lentz

Berry Cobb

Steve Chan

Terri Agnew


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **



 Wiki page:  <https://community.icann.org/x/y1V-Ag>


Thank you.

Kind regards,

Terri Agnew

For GNSO Secretariat


Adobe Chat Transcript for Wednesday 03 September


  Marika Konings:Welcome to the Policy & Implementation WG Meeting of 3
September 2014 

  J. Scott:dialing in now.

  Amr Elsadr:Hi. Dialling in now.

  Amr Elsadr:Just joined the call.

  Terri Agnew:Hi Amr

  Amr Elsadr:Hi Terri. :)

  Jonathan Frost:Sorry to be late

  Terri Agnew:Michale Graham has joined audio


  Alan Greenberg:On bridge now. Sorry for being late (was on another call).

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Alan

  J. Scott:Glad you're here Alan.

  Amr Elsadr:What is CPIF?

  Marika Konings:Consensus Policy Implementation Framework

  Amr Elsadr:Ah. Thanks.

  Marika Konings:A new accronym ;-)

  Alan Greenberg:Item 1 at top of doc

  Amr Elsadr:Nice!! :)

  Amr Elsadr::)

  J. Scott:I want to remind everyone that you can scroll down the document

  olevie:@Scott That's what i'm doing

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that is covered in the guidelines is it not?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:maybe that got dropped  but we did in visage it at

  Amr Elsadr:@CLO: Not in a lot of detail, if I recall correctly.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:adding out the detail. fine we need to do that , but I
t was invisaged. some links to original WG members was intended. (included
but not limited to of course!)

  Amr Elsadr:Every time the phrase "policy language" is used here, it is
used with the intent that the language is adjusted but only to an extent
that doesn't change the substance of the approved policies, right?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I would hope so @amr

  Mary Wong:@Amr, yes

  Mary Wong:Think, e.g. of the UDRP rules

  Karen Lentz:yes, agreed also


  Amr Elsadr:Thanks.

  Marika Konings:The GAC doesn't develop policy, but provides advice

  Amr Elsadr:The GAC doesn't create policy, but provides advice on policy

  Amr Elsadr:Marika types faster than I do!! :)

  Marika Konings:@Amr - that typing course paid off!


  Amr Elsadr::)

  Alan Greenberg:GAC might well effect changes in policy. And when itt does
and implementation is not crystal clear, I guess we would have to adlib.

  Greg Shatan:The GAC advice is looking a lot more like policy
recommendations these days...

  olevie:Please, who is speaking now 


  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Anne

  olevie:Txs Anne

  olevie:soy CLO

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-) 

  Amr Elsadr:@Greg: They seem to be pushing to do just that..., with a
little help from others as well.

  Alan Greenberg:This should be driven BY GNSO PDP processes, not creating
them. Although it is quite possible that this staff work could uncover
things in the GNSO processes that need adjustment or change.

  Mary Wong:@Alan, yes - this is looking ahead to the next
Deliverable/Charter question for this WG, on IRTs.

  Alan Greenberg:A staff internal document, but presumably they want to know
if they got something wrong.

  Amr Elsadr:+1 @Alan. This document is really impressive.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes as adjunct to our outcomes

  Mary Wong:Yes, internal for purposes of discussion by this WG. As Marika
has just noted, the WG may wish to incorporate an updated version of the
Framework into its final Report - but that's up to you :)

  Mary Wong:FYI there have only been a very few IRTs to date, which is one
reason for a timely development of such a Framework. Hopefully our
compilation of experiences with the few IRTs so far (for this WG's review
shortly) will help.

  Anne Aikman-Scalese:If implemented now, this appears to pre-empt and
answer some questions the WG was tasked to answer.

  Marika Konings:@Anne - the framework doesn't deal with how IRTs should
operate and what processes should be in place for IRTs/GNSO Council in
relation to the implementaiton

  Marika Konings:which is the specific community part which I tried to alude

  Mary Wong:@Anne, so if it helps - and following up on Marika's points -
some of these "codify" what is being done, given the minimal experience and
lack of framework at the moment; overall this is an attempt to provide the
WG with some food for thought as it proceeds to discuss the role of an IRT
in greater detail than what we have to date.

  Marika Konings:For the existing policy pages, see

  Marika Konings:Some of the recent IRTs have also started using wikis

  Marika Konings:The GNSO project list also includes a brief update on each
implementation effort currently

  Anne Aikman-Scalese:Obviously a well-thought out piece of work but of
course (by way of example), the WG adopted its own Working Principles
regarding Policy and Implementation and now we should apparently be looking
at incorporating these as well?  

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Amy and Karen. That is very helpful. I look forward to
seeing how this is done.

  Marika Konings:@Anne - these principles apply to the staff part of
implementation. If you find these useful for the broader principles, or if
you believe certain principles are missing from the staff document, please
let us know.

  Marika Konings:I would see the WG principles applying to the overall
puzzle, as I referred to it before, which would include both the staff part
as well as the community part, while the principles outlined here
specifically formed the basis for the staff framework

  Anne Aikman-Scalese:I guess I thought what the WG was  doing would in fact
also result in a staff framework and the two would not be separate.  

  Amr Elsadr:Alan..., I don't imagine that there would be a need to create
too much additional documentation to what is done as part of the
implementation work to do its work. Perhaps some, but I would hope not much.
I would be in favour of this being shared with the IRT (at least) and
briefings provided during monthly IRT calls.

  olevie 2:What's happened with the voice ?

  olevie:I see,have opened AC twice :-)

  Jonathan Frost:Thanks J. Scott

  Amr Elsadr:Thank you very much Karen and Amy. Great job on the CPIF. :)

  Jonathan Frost:+1 Amr

  Amy Bivins:Thanks, Amr!

  Karen Lentz:Thank you all

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:THANKS. 

  tom barrett - EnCirca:thanks

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye

  J. Scott:thanks again and ta



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