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[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Deadline for review - 13 January - PI Draft Initial Report

  • To: "gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] Deadline for review - 13 January - PI Draft Initial Report
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 10:19:34 +0000

Dear All,

Following yesterday's meeting, please find attached a revised version of the 
Initial Report. Any additional issues for WG consideration need to be submitted 
by Tuesday 13 January at the latest in order to be considered during next 
Wednesday's meeting which will be scheduled for 90 minutes (starting time 19.30 
UTC). To facilitate your review and discussion, please pay specific attention 
to the following edits / comments several of which have been highlighted in 
yellow in the document:

  *   Page 9 - definition of Bottom up in a GNSO PDP. The latest version of 
this definition reads: 'a fundamental principle of ICANN's participation and 
policy development decision-making process whereby policy and organisational 
decisions and analysis originating from Stakeholders who participate in the 
process to the Board. The process is designed to and will ideally provide the 
equal opportunity for participation from all Stakeholders as practical and 
  *   Page 10 - new preliminary recommendation in relation to the policy & 
implementation principles
  *   Page 10-14 - proposed edits to the policy & implementation principles
  *   Page 15 - proposed definition of binding / non-binding
  *   Page 17 - does sufficient need further definition?
  *   Page 22 - should clarification be added that this is disagreements 
relating to policy/intent, rather than this person being expected to deal with 
all disagreements within the group?
  *   Page 25-26 - What process(es) is (are) to be used for addressing 
implementation / policy issues raised by the IRT (charter question 4) - please 
review the 'optional - not discussed by the WG yet' language
  *   Page 26 - What role does the Board play, if any, in addressing 
implementation concerns from the GNSO Council? - please review the 'optional - 
not discussed by the WG yet' language
  *   Page 81 - If the GNSO Council liaison makes the determination that there 
is consensus for such consideration, the following procedure applies: to be 
defined following WG agreement on the above Operating Principles. [Note, this 
could be updated to read 'to be defined following community input on the 
proposed operating principles'?]

If there are any other edits / comments you spot that you believe warrant 
further WG discussion, please share those with the list. As mentioned 
yesterday, due to the merger of different versions the attribution of certain 
comments / edits may have gotten lost or may have been wrongly attributed to 
me. Also, on page 22 it looks like edits were made on the same places by 
different people - I've tried to fix these as best as I could. If you still 
have further edits / suggestions, let me know. Please also find some notes from 
yesterday's meeting below.

Best regards,


Notes 7/1 Meeting:

Public Comment Process:

  *   Design it in a way that assist the WG to more readily review and analyse 
the comments
  *   Asking for feedback in a questionnaire format (multiple choice or rating 
scale answers)
  *   This would be in addition to the 'normal' public comment forum. Consider 
providing a template that can be used to submit comments.
  *   Staff to put together a draft survey for WG review

Next steps

  *   For next meeting: circulate revised version, call out 'yelllow' items
  *   Any other 'yellow' items that require WG review / discussion need to be 
submitted by Tuesday 13 January at the latest
  *   Next week's meeting will start at 19.30 UTC and run for 90 minutes.

Attachment: PI Initial Report Updated 8 January 2014.doc
Description: PI Initial Report Updated 8 January 2014.doc

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