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[gnso-policyimpl-wg] On Thresholds to Initiate GGP/EPDP

  • To: gnso-policyimpl-wg <gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] On Thresholds to Initiate GGP/EPDP
  • From: Amr Elsadr <aelsadr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 12:57:00 +0200


I just listened to the recording of the portion of the call that I had trouble 
following last night, and would like to reflect on some of it.

I think some very significant concerns were raised by pretty much everyone who 
spoke to the notion of raising the voting thresholds to initiate a GGP or an 
EPDP. In voicing the concerns raised by myself and the NCSG, the intent was 
certainly not to allow procedure to block substance, or even block the more 
effective means to hold a discussion on any given policy issue.

If there are suggestions on how to avoid GGPs/EPDPs trumping PDPs ONLY when it 
is inappropriate for them to do so besides raising the voting thresholds to 
initiate them, I would be more than happy to explore those possibilities.

There were some suggestions I found to be interesting including one by Marika 
(a hierarchy of processes) and another by Alan (a sort of standard motion). I 
would like to also stress that in raising these concerns, avoiding potential 
gaming of the process is just as important as ensuring that the processes we 
are suggesting don’t trump PDPs when a PDPs are necessary.

I also recall Anne making a suggestion that I really appreciated at the time, 
but I missed those in my notes, and the recording seems to have ended before 
she made it. Would really appreciate a refresher on that, if possible.

Thanks again to all.


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