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[gnso-ppsc-pdp] Statement of Interest for PPSC (Policy process Steering Committee) PDP (Policy Development Process) work team

  • To: gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx, gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Statement of Interest for PPSC (Policy process Steering Committee) PDP (Policy Development Process) work team
  • From: Alex Gakuru <gakuru@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 20:58:58 +0300

1.  Current vocation, employer and position

My vocation is the harder fight for rights of others (or public
interest) away from easier private/self-interest. I hope below
captures how I got myself into all of this?

I am a ICT Solutions Provider specialising in server
applications-software development and integration. I have been  a
Management Information Systems (MIS) developer whom since 1991 has
offered varying information and communications solutions and
consultancy services to over 100 entities - companies, small
businesses, non-profit (local and regional and international)
organisations, and individuals in Kenya and Eastern Africa.

Our market emerged to be divided into three: A select very few capital
owners whom also constitute the bulk of and wield most of the
political power, a slightly broader “traders layer” that established
linkages with capital/political elite  and a vast majority of
“consumer market” at the bottom of the pyramid. It occurred that in
the prevailing scenario, development decisions rarely, if at all, were
subjected to “bottom-up” processes but instead was mostly top-down.

This circumstance relayed out on every aspect of our socio-economic
development, including internet introduction captured on “Negotiating
the Net” (Mary Muiruri - Kenya Case http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/ntn/)

A self-employed consultant trading as sole proprietorship “Way Forward
Technologies” incorporated in 1995 in Nairobi, Kenya where my position
or title is Lead Consultant.

2. Type of work performed in 1 above

In contributing to changing the above situation and in order for
greater benefits of the internet reaching the bottom,  I became
progressively involved in ICT policy, legal and regulatory development
landscape under the auspices of  the  Centre of Law in ICT Development
( or Claw-IT) – a loose network of ICT-Legal professionals and the ICT
Consumers Association of Kenya closely working with various Democracy,
Civil and Human Rights organisations most recent being

As chair  ICT Consumers Association of Kenya, and closely working with
civil and human rights organisations, my work involves constructively
engagements with government, regulator and private sector players in
promoting rights of ICT consumers at policy, legislation, regulation
and at the market place.

Committed to making the “Internet for Everyone” as an ISOC member was
fortunate to be the first African to receive prestigious award under
then new Projects Funding Initiative (home http://www.isoc.or.ke/).
Using the media in their public “education” role ( others being to
inform and to entertain) launched an elaborate and sustained campaign
on technology education that resulted in my becoming a resource for
their stories print, broadcast, and online – which continues today.  I
am happy to report that this media initiative significantly
contributed to growing the Kenya internet usage as show on the graph.

Way Forward Technologies consultancy services are on Databases,
Software Development, Open Source Software, Internet Presence, Digital
Animation, ICT Migration, Project Management,
Telecommunications,Training and ICT Research.

3. Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership
interest in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested
parties in ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN has a
transaction, contract, or other arrangement

Besides my firm, Way Forward Technologies, being a KeNIC accredited
registrar, I do not have any financial ownership or senior
management/leadership interest in any other registries, registrars or
other firms that are interested in ICANN policy or any entity with
which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or other arrangement any
where else in the world.

I do not hold any position or office at our regulator or government,
save for my appointment to the National IPv6 Task Force and the ICT
Task Force both public service-oriented voluntary initiative of and
led by the Ministry of Information and Communications. I would
recommend that you contact the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of
Information and Communications Dr. Bitange Ndemo to get an independent
view of our dynamic and progressive relationship, Hon. James Rege MP
on legislation, Charles Njoroge on regulation, and John Kariuki  and
James Kulubi on ICT policy development process involvement and
harmonisation with East Africa Community member states. On Civil
Society the best person to contact would be Ezra Mbogori

And as policy, I do not accept any payments, gifts, favours from
industry players either in my personal capacity, nor my firm or as
chair ICT Consumers Association. Any government and regulator support
that may be received towards our pro-consumer activities are openly

4.  Identify any type of commercial interest in ICANN GNSO policy
development outcomes.  Are you representing other parties?

I do not have any commercial interest in ICANN GNSO policy development
outcomes and I am not representing any other party. My interests as
purely public-interest, and more specifically Internet consumers
rights non-commercial to the extent that they are at the “edges” of
the network which they do not make money trading on as a service or on
domain names. In fact, I constantly engaging KeNIC on domain prices
towards making them more affordable to Kenyans. Occasionally and
positively engaging with government and the regulator with ”how-to”
suggestions to grow the .ke namespace.

But I am concerned with ICANN Policies that are not reflective of
Africa's or more generally Developing Nations Public Interest, for
example, Rr Ry debate where we are left as mere spectators because we
cannot afford huge sums of money expected by ICANN, our (unregistered)
cultural and traditional rights.  I would like to contribute to
seeking the solutions to the problem.

5.      Describe any arrangements or agreements between you and any
other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination or
selection as a work team member.

a) At (young) ICT Consumers Association of Kenya,

Chair -Alex Gakuru
Vice Chair - Joseph Simekha
Treasurer - Mwende Gatabaki
Secretary - Grace Bomu
Member - Caroline Kimutai
Member - Danny Irungu

b) I am the current Chair of the civil society-led
http://www.ict4all.or.ke  where we have an organising committee from
various rights organisations and if necessary, I am ready to give all
my team mates contacts. Under this initiative we invited James Wire,
Chair, Uganda ICT Consumer Protection Association in line with
regional consumer  protection and rights promotion cooperation.

c) I was elected the NCUC's  Executive Committee Africa as per below message.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Robin Gross <robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear All,

The 2009 NCUC Annual Election results are now in.

The complete results can be viewed directly online at:

Thank you to Carlos Afonso and the gentle folk at NIC.br for holding
the election and managing its process.

Thank you to all the candidates who stood in our most robust NCUC
election EVER!

Congrats to the new representatives!


Final Results:

Executive Committee Africa: Alex Gakuru
Executive Committee Asia: David Cake
Executive Committee Europe: Konstantinos Komaitis
Executive Committee North America: Brenden Kuerbis
Executive Committee South America: Carlos Affonso de Souza
GNSO Council: Wendy Seltzer
NCUC Chair: Robin Gross

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