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[gnso-ppsc-pdp] For your review - draft Initial Report PDP-WT

  • To: "Gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] For your review - draft Initial Report PDP-WT
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 01:51:12 -0700

Dear All,

In the last PDP-WT meeting, the group discussed how to deliver a report in time 
for discussion at the ICANN meeting in Brussels. Taking into account that the 
WT might not be able to complete review of all overarching issues, such as 
transition, or finalize all its recommendations, it was proposed to therefore 
focus on ‘finalizing’ the report as an Initial Report to allow for community 
input and consideration on those areas that have been addressed by the PDP-WT, 
following which the WT will continue its deliberations, taking into account 
public comments on the Initial Report, and finalize its report for submission 
to the PPSC.

To this end, I have updated the report on stages I-V to include an executive 
summary which has lifted the recommendations from the different sections. As 
you will note, there are quite a number of areas where further discussion / 
work is required (highlighted in yellow). In addition, I have added a section 8 
which will cover the notes on the overarching issues, and a section 9 which 
will contain the proposed changes to Annex A of the ICANN by-laws (staff is 
preparing a first draft for consideration which we hope to have ready for 
review by the WT early next week). I have also made some updates to section 2 – 
approach taken and the annexes. You can find this updated report on the wiki: 

As agreed on our last call, input on sections 3 – 7 which covers the notes and 
recommendations on stage I-V, is due at the latest by 15 May. Some of you 
already provided comments on some parts of the document which are also part of 
this version. Of course, you are also encouraged to provide your input on the 
other sections of the document.

Please note that the deadline for publication of documents to be discussed at 
the ICANN meeting in Brussels is 31 May.

With best regards,


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