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[gnso-ppsc-wg] WGT Conference Call: Operating Model Outline

  • To: "'Working Group'" <gnso-ppsc-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-wg] WGT Conference Call: Operating Model Outline
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 10:03:00 +1000

Working Group Team:


Four WGT members were able to meet in Sydney from 3:30- 5:30 p.m. on 25 June
to continue making progress on the Operating Model Guidebook (OMG) outline.


Participating were:

            J. Scott Evans (Chair)

Graham Chenoweth

            Jonne Soininen

            Ken Bour (Staff)


The group was able to complete Sections 2 and 3.  Ken will update the WIKI
on or before Wednesday of next week and will send out an email announcement
when the new material is posted.


To continue the remaining sections of the OMG outline, J. Scott is
attempting to schedule another two hour conference call on 6 July.  

Please indicate your availability on this Doodle poll:


Thank you,


Ken Bour


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