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Re: [gnso-ppsc-wg] WGT Conference Call: Operating Model Outline

  • To: Ken Bour <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc-wg] WGT Conference Call: Operating Model Outline
  • From: "S. Subbiah" <subbiah@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 17:33:25 -0700

Dear All,

After country-hopping I arrive on Sunday afternoo at the Sydney Hilton just after 3pm and tried to locate the WG group team - i tried looking in the several meeting rooms, I even asked Jeff Neuman who was going by and by 3.40 pm I found the ICANN staff room and asked Glen where you all might be - she sent me back to Room 2 and 3 to look for Ken Bour and there was no one there. I thought we were supposed to meet at either 4pm or 5pm to finish the remaining sections on the operating model. I continued to wait in the area outside the meeting rooms until 5.20 or so. Sometime in between I saw Avri and asked her if anyone had met to write the document and she said noone had but there had been a meeting on other matters earlier. All the while I had looked out for Ken etc and then gave up and left ar around 5.20pm.

As I had other business in Sydney I was only there on Monday and Tuesday for part of the day and on seeing Glen asked her to let Ken know I was still looking for him etc. In any case I had already made plans to return to the US by Wednesday noon and only when I got back to teh States that I learnt of the Thursday get-together. By then it was too late - missed by hours - for me to try to call in at that time.

In any case, as "chair" for getting this write-up finished I had been trying to get the thing done. Certainly I can be available on July 6th to finish the rest on the con call with others. Good that it is moved along though.



Ken Bour wrote:

Working Group Team:

Four WGT members were able to meet in Sydney from 3:30- 5:30 p.m. on 25 June to continue making progress on the Operating Model Guidebook (OMG) outline.

Participating were:

            J. Scott Evans (Chair)

Graham Chenoweth

            Jonne Soininen

            Ken Bour (Staff)

The group was able to complete Sections 2 and 3. Ken will update the WIKI on or before Wednesday of next week and will send out an email announcement when the new material is posted.

To continue the remaining sections of the OMG outline, J. Scott is attempting to schedule another two hour conference call on 6 July. Please indicate your availability on this Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/unk2pikrt6ibpsux

Thank you,

Ken Bour

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