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Re: [gnso-ppsc-wg] Your feedback requested: Section 2.2. Working Group Member Roles and Responsibilities

  • To: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc-wg] Your feedback requested: Section 2.2. Working Group Member Roles and Responsibilities
  • From: "S. Subbiah" <subbiah@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:00:57 -0700

(1) MO comment. I think its fair since it asks the candidates to voluntarily address wheteherh they can fulfill the commitment that is expected of them in the guideline - the comment asking for a reference to /(described in Section 2.2) (described Section 6.1.3)”/

(2) Rysg: I think this one we may need to discuss more during call.

(3) GD: This goes back to matter of exprtise and you know my positions on these. If we cannot even voluntarily ask someone to tell us what their expertise is (whether or not we believe them), then at the very least when forming a sub-team (presumably to address a specific topic requiring some more specific expertise) one would think we could put in some minimal expertise consideration in some light-touch fashion. Guess we will discuss this.


Marika Konings wrote:

*From the GNSO Working Group Guidelines
Section 2.2. *Working Group Member Roles and Responsibilities
The following is a description of standard WG roles. Typically the Charter will outline the desired qualities and skills a WG Chair should possess, the role and name of the official liaison to the Chartering Organization, and any key Staff or other experts assigned to the WG. Any additional roles that are not included here should be listed in the WG Charter, including a description and minimal set of functions / duties to the extent that the chartering organization might wish to specify them.

A suggested procedure to conduct elections can be:

·     Nominations or self-nominations;

·     Statements of qualifications from candidates

·     Vote by simple majority;

· Notification of and subsequent confirmation by the Chartering Organization of results of actions.


MO: Replace this sentence In section 2.2: “Statements of qualifications from candidates” with: “Statements of qualifications from candidates that describes their ability to fulfill the role (described in Section 2.2) and meet the expectations of the job (described Section 6.1.3)”

RySG: While Paragraph 2.2 sets out the responsibilities and functions of the typical Working Group roles, the RySG suggests that it may be helpful if the Guidelines go further and provide some minimal criteria around the necessary skills and qualities for the Chair, Vice Chairs etc. In particular, since the CO has to approve the Chair, it would be helpful if the CO was able to base its approval decision on some specific criteria.

GD: Sections 2.2 and 2.3 further expand the definition of these roles, and outline the nature of sub-teams. We recommend that the PPSC WG-WT provide some guidance that requires working group leaders and sub-team members be familiar or have subject matter expertise in the areas to be addressed by the working group and/or sub-team.

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