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Re: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] RE: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest

  • To: "Neuman, Jeff" <Jeff.Neuman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] RE: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 07:24:22 -0500

On 9 Dec 2010, at 07:08, Neuman, Jeff wrote:

> I am going to refer this question to the icann staff.  I do not share her 
> view that simply serving as the chair of the group should silence me during 
> any council discussions.  That would be a first.  Avri was never silent in 
> the Council discussions with any of the groups she chaired.  Neither is/was 
> Olga, edmon, chuck, Alan and countless other councillors silent on any of 
> topics at the Council level for groups that they chaired.  I also want to 
> note that Avri was given plenty of air time at the Council meeting yesterday 
> on defending the work of her groups, one of which she chaired.  Perhaps that 
> too was improper?  Also Avri's constant instant messaging to the NCSG reps 
> during the entire Council meeting also would be suspect and in my opinion 
> constitutes "participation" in the discussions and would have to be banned on 
> the topics/groups she chairs.
> If I have to recuse myself from a vote, that would also be a first (given the 
> above groups), but I would be happy to get an opinion from staff on that as 
> well.

> I have to state for the record that the timing of this request is more than 
> suspect and comes less than an hour after a motion that she wanted did not 
> want passed unanimously.

My concern comes not from whether the motion was passed or not, but the way in 
which you acted while the motion was being discussed.  Lots of things I 
disagree with are done by council members, so your accusations are unwarranted. 
But your accusations do represent the kind of problems you see when there is a 
conflict of interest.  Now that you are on the council, and its leadership 
team, you need to hold yourself to a higher standard. 

Also this is more related to the new methods of behavior that are being 
established in this new managerial council and the ideas about the way to run 
working groups, then it is on the history of the old council.

Also Alan does not have a vote in the council.  Chuck stepped down as chair of 
the OSC when a similar issue was brought up last year, that is why Philip is 
now the char of the OSC.  In regards to Olga, she is not chairing a Standing 
Committee, but had I been paying attention to her WT I may have had similar 
remarks - though the identity of WT as just subgroups in the SC might have some 
effect on the subject.  In the PDP WT however, the decisions was for the chair 
of the PPSC to al chair the Wt, while the alternate chair covers the WG WT.  
Thus chairing the PDP Wt is a function of you being chair of the PPSC.

I just do not believe that having SCs or  WGs by council members, especially 
its leadership team is an accountable process and believe that it cause 
conflicts of interests.    There needs to be a separation between the managers 
and those who are managed for there to be accountability.


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