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Re: [gnso-pro-wg] Questionnaire update and TLD Summaries

  • To: <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <krosette@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-pro-wg] Questionnaire update and TLD Summaries
  • From: "Mike Rodenbaugh" <mxr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:22:49 -0700

I have .jobs

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx <owner-gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Rosette,Kristina <krosette@xxxxxxx>
CC: gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx <gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri Apr 13 03:55:02 2007
Subject: RE: [gnso-pro-wg] Questionnaire update and TLD Summaries

Kristina, I'll do .jobs and take a stab at .cat. If anyone more familiar with 
.cat wants to volunteer please do :)
Looks like Mike P. has .biz covered. 

Tim Ruiz
Vice President
Corp. Development & Policy
The Go Daddy Group, Inc.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [gnso-pro-wg] Questionnaire update and TLD Summaries
From: "Rosette, Kristina" <krosette@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, April 12, 2007 9:17 pm
To: <gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>

I wanted to thank everyone for their input and contributions to our 
questionnaire discussion.  
We are going to proceed with the questionnaire with revisions. Tim's proposed 
model is a good one; we will use it.  Question numbers (using numbers from the 
draft Liz circulated after our call on Tuesday) 23, 24, 27, and 28 will be 
Please keep in mind that the questionnaire's results will not be the only 
input.  Instead, they will be one of several inputs, and will be a useful tool 
to gauge informally the sentiments of the community.   
I want us to get our discussion back on track and back on schedule.  I will 
circulate - hopefully tomorrow - an agenda; it may well be the remainder of the 
agenda that we didn't get to last week.
On a different note, we still do not have a full complement of TLD summaries.  
According to my notes and email, summaries for .aero, .biz, .cat, and .jobs 
have not been posted to the list.  (I expect to receive the .aero summary 
tomorrow.)   While it would be unfortunate if our report did not contain 
summaries for .biz, .cat, and .jobs, it's beginning to look like that will be 
the case.  Keeping in mind that we can't have summaries completed by the 
corresponding registry, will anyone volunteer to complete one of these or 
arrange for a constituency member to do so?
Many thanks. 

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