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[gnso-pro-wg] PRO-WG Questionnaire: for distribution

  • To: gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-pro-wg] PRO-WG Questionnaire: for distribution
  • From: Liz Williams <liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:34:44 +0200


Please find attached the final version of the questionnaire. Note that I have followed Tim Ruiz's modified format. I know that there was a lot of discussion between some people about what should be in or out. A definitive view in that would have taken too much time so this version has left most questions in and, at the end, we can determine whether the answers have any bearing. This is one of many inputs for the group's work along with the summaries and other expert knowledge.

This will be distributed today through a variety of channels. Please make sure your constituencies know about it and get it back to me as soon as possible.

Deadline for submission:  1 May 2007 to liz.williams[@]icann.org

On 2 May I will stop taking responses and will begin to collate the material into an orderly format. I will provide a summary of that information as quickly as possible to the group.

Speak to you all on next week's conference call.

Attachment: GNSOPROWGQuestionnaire20Apr.doc
Description: Binary data

Liz .....................................................

Liz Williams
Senior Policy Counselor
ICANN - Brussels
+32 2 234 7874 tel
+32 2 234 7848 fax
+32 497 07 4243 mob

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