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[gnso-pro-wg] Agenda - 24 April

  • To: <gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pro-wg] Agenda - 24 April
  • From: "Rosette, Kristina" <krosette@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 23:22:02 -0400

Set forth below is the agenda for Tuesday's meeting, which is a
carry-over of last week's meeting.
I. Roll 
II. "Best Practices"/"Suggested Guidelines"
        A.  Terminology and Definition
        B.  Framework Suggested by L. Williams
        C.  Specific Proposals 
        D.   Correlation of Proposals to Issues Created by Prior Rights
Protection Mechanisms
III.  Outstanding Issues
        A.  Definitions
        B.  Experts
        C.  TLD Summaries

PLEASE post outstanding TLD summaries.  
I had been asked to include an agenda item regarding "de-linking" the
PRO WG output from the final gTLD report so that additional work could
be done. As you can see, I have not done so. It is not within this WG's
discretion to decide whether or not it should meet the timing aspect of
the mandate passed by the GNSO Council.  Because the GNSO Council does
not meet again until May 24, which is after our May 17 report deadline,
it will not be possible to seek an extension of time before our report
deadline.  Accordingly, the WG is responsible for submitting its report
on the previously set deadline -- which was already extended once by 30
days.  There is, of course, no reason why that report could not include
an outline of additional work that the WG or various members of it
suggests be done; provided, of course, that the outline is a supplement
to completed work and not provided in lieu of such work.   Discussion of
our report may well result in an extension, which is what happened with
the Reserved Names Working Group.
I look forward to talking with everyone tomorrow and I again encourage
everyone to use this list to start discussions of specific proposals.

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