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[gnso-pro-wg] .name TLD summary and thematic chart

  • To: <gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pro-wg] .name TLD summary and thematic chart
  • From: "Rosette, Kristina" <krosette@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 21:18:13 -0400


Attached is the .name TLD summary, which I received today.

Attached also is a thematic chart that is based in part on Mike
Rodenbaugh's email of 27 April.  I thought it may be helpful to have the
information grouped thematically.  Please do check my categorization of
the TLD that you summarized and revise the chart as necessary.  Mike,
you should feel free to add post-launch tables at the end.

I will be posting in a minute a pdf file containing all TLD summaries to
date.  It's possible the filter may block the file as it's rather long.
If so, I'll have my assistant divide it in the morning and will post it

TLD summaries for .biz and .jobs have not yet been submitted.   The two
WG members who volunteered for those summaries should complete and
circulate them immediately.  Not having summaries of them - especially
.biz - will be a noticeable omission.  


Attachment: TLD thematic chart.DOC
Description: TLD thematic chart.DOC

Attachment: .name TLD summary Part B.DOC
Description: .name TLD summary Part B.DOC

Attachment: .name TLD summary Part C.DOC
Description: .name TLD summary Part C.DOC

Attachment: .name TLD summary Part A.DOC
Description: .name TLD summary Part A.DOC

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