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[gnso-rap-dt] Meta-issue recommendation #1: Uniformity of Reporting

  • To: Greg Aaron <gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-rap-dt] Meta-issue recommendation #1: Uniformity of Reporting
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 13:54:37 -0600

cheerfully stealing Greg's draft for the Best Practices recommendation, here's 
a parallel one for Uniformity of Reporting.


“Uniformity of Reporting: The RAPWG recommends that the GNSO, and the larger 
ICANN community in general, create and support uniform reporting processes.”

same approach with the bullet points (which have now been removed from the 
recommendation) -- move them up into a "Goals" section in the Background 
material. here's suggested language;


The working group suggests that the framers of the charter of a subsequent 
effort consider the following tentative list of goals when they frame the 
charter of that effort:
-       Providing “just in time” education and knowledge to people wanting to 
report problems

-       Making it easier to submit a valid complaint

-       Reduce the number of erroneous complaints

-       Improving understanding of the limits of ICANN policies and other 
options to pursue if the issue is not covered by policy

-       Improving the effectiveness of policy-compliance activities

-       Improving the data available for GNSO (working-group) and ICANN 
(advisory-group) policy-making

-       Improving the data available for compliance activities

-       Answering the question “which comes first, policy-process or definitive 
data describing the problem?” along with suggestions as to how data can be 
gathered when it hasn’t yet been included in the reporting process.

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phone   651-647-6109  
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