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[gnso-rap-dt] Call for Volunteers: Fake Renewal Notices Drafting Team

  • To: "gnso-rap-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-rap-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-rap-dt] Call for Volunteers: Fake Renewal Notices Drafting Team
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 03:53:58 -0800

Call for Volunteers: Fake Renewal Notices Drafting Team
In Brief
The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council seeks volunteers to 
serve on a drafting team that will prepare a request for information on Fake 
Renewal Notices, work with the Registrar Stakeholder Group to obtain the 
information requested and report back to the GNSO Council.
What This Group Will Do
The GNSO Council resolved at its meeting on 6 October in response to one of the 
recommendations of the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group that 
'additional information is needed from the Registrar Stakeholder Group with 
regard to the conditional [RAP WG] Fake Renewal Notices recommendation #2 
before an Issue Report should be requested of Staff. The GNSO Council hereby 
requests that the Registrar Stakeholder Group provide further information and 
data on the nature and scope of the issue of Fake Renewal Notices to help 
inform the GNSO Council's and its RAP WG deliberations on whether an Issue 
Report should be requested. A small group of volunteers consisting of registrar 
representatives and others interested (including former RAP WG members) should 
be formed to prepare such a request, work with the Registrar Stakeholder Group 
to obtain the information requested and report back to the GNSO Council 
How This Group Will Work
ICANN Working Groups use transparent, open processes. The meetings of this 
Drafting Team (DT) will be recorded, and the recordings will be available to 
the public. The mailing list for the DT will be archived publicly. DT members 
are expected to submit Statements of Interest (SOI). The group will collaborate 
using a public workspace. The DT is expected to follow the GNSO Working Group 
How to Join
The Council invites interested parties to provide names of expected 
participants who can then be added to the DT mailing list. The GNSO Council may 
also invite stakeholders and experts to join. Community members who wish to be 
invited to join the group should contact the GNSO 

>From the Registration Abuse Policies Final 
>'Fake renewal notices are misleading correspondence sent to registrants from 
>an individual or organization claiming to be or to represent the current 
>registrar. These are sent for a variety of deceptive purposes. The desired 
>action as a result of the deceptive notification is:

 *   Pay an unnecessary fee (fraud)
 *   Get a registrant to switch registrars unnecessarily ("slamming", or 
illegitimate market-based switching)
 *   Reveal credentials or provide authorization codes to facilitate theft of 
the domain'
As a result, the RAP Working Group recommended, following obtaining further 
information from ICANN's Compliance Department, that the GNSO Council consider 
requesting an Issue Report on this issue. However, after review of the 
information received from the ICANN Compliance Department (see 
http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg10766.html) and further 
discussions on this issue (see for example 
 the GNSO Council determined that further information would be desirable before 
deciding whether or not to request an Issue Report.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

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