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RE: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] call for agenda items
- To: "Marika Konings" <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>, "Rosaya, Lisa W." <Lisa.Rosaya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Greg Aaron" <gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] call for agenda items
- From: "Joi White" <jwhite@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 15:46:53 -0700
Hi Everyone,
Thanks very much to all for the hard work on the draft letter, charts,
revisions and comments. I have a comment and suggestion to add to the
(1) No reference to Annex I in the cover letter:
For comprehensiveness, we should probably reference/explain Annex
I, somewhere. We could simply reference it in the first sentence of the
cover letter.
(2) Formatting and addressing Chuck's comments:
Just a thought... are we locked into the chart format? It's a great
working tool, nice and clean and easy to read, but maybe not the best
final deliverable? If we convert the data to text, perhaps we could
combine all three charts so no cross-referencing is required. It would
also strip out the duplication across some of the charts. If you're
viewing this sample below in plain text, it's going to look quite
hideous- I can put into a Word doc, if anyone is interested in exploring
this further.
RAP-IDT Proposed Approach based on resource requirements and priority
A. "Low Hanging Fruit"
WHOIS Access.
RAPWG Level of Consensus: Unanimous
The GNSO should request that the ICANN Compliance Department publish
more data about WHOIS accessibility, on at least an annual basis. This
data should include a) the number of registrars that show a pattern of
unreasonable restriction of access to their port 43 WHOIS servers, and
b) the results of an annual compliance audit of compliance with all
contractual WHOIS access obligations. (RAPWG Recommendation #2.)
RAPIDT Rank: 3
Implementation Size, Complexity, Scope: Small
Dependencies: None
Nature of effort/approach: Implementation
Next Steps: Send
letter to ICANN Compliance Department.
Notes from Drafting Team:
Form charter drafting team to develop a charter for a WG to determine
what additional research and processes may be needed to ensure that
WHOIS data is accessible in an appropriately reliable, enforceable, and
consistent fashion...
B. Sequence of Remaining RAPWG Recommendations
Malicious Use of Domain Names...
While the chart format is much cleaner, I think there is a risk that
flipping back and forth between three annexes results in some loss of
the "big picture". Happy to help with re-formatting, since I know I'm
suggesting more work here... but only if others are interested in this
Joi A. White | jwhite@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Carr & Ferrell LLP | http://www.carrferrell.com/
650-812-3461 voice | 120 Constitution Drive
650-812-3444 fax | Menlo Park, California 94025 USA
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marika Konings
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 6:55 AM
To: Rosaya, Lisa W.; Greg Aaron; Mike O'Connor;
Subject: Re: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] call for agenda items
Dear All,
Please find attached the latest version that Greg was referring to in
email (it was only sent to the chairs). It aims to address the comments
made by Chuck and others. With regards to Chuck's comment that it might
helpful to include an abbreviation in the recommendation column so
members do not have to go back between Annex I and II/III, this might
prove challenging as it is difficult to capture the detail of each
recommendation in abbreviated form. Another approach could be to add a
priority sequence column to Annex I so it is clear to see how the
recommendations are rated. What do the members of the DT think? Also,
there is two comments from Chuck relating to the recommendation on Meta
Issue: Collection and Dissemination of Best Practices and the WHOIS
Recommendation #1 that might require further discussion by the DT.
With best regards,
On 05/11/10 14:49, "Rosaya, Lisa W." <Lisa.Rosaya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Dear Greg,
>I don't appear to have received the version Marika sent around today.
>Could you please send that to me?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:owner-gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Greg Aaron
>Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 9:23 AM
>To: 'Mike O'Connor'; gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] call for agenda items
>Yes. The version that Marika sent around today is the latest and
>version, so we should review that one on Monday.
>Have a good weekend,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike O'Connor [mailto:mike@xxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 8:54 AM
>To: gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] call for agenda items
>hi all,
>our focus on Monday will be to take a detailed look at the report draft
>(hopefully) wrap up our work.
>anything else we need to cover?
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