[gnso-rapimpl-dt] For review - updated letter to the GNSO Council
Dear All, Following today's meeting, please find attached the latest version of the proposed letter to the GNSO Council which incorporates the edits discussed on the call.You'll find attached a clean as well as a redline version. Please review the letter carefully. You are requested to share any comments, edits, suggestions on the mailing list prior to next week's call. The objective of the next meeting is to finalize the letter and submit it to the GNSO Council immediately following the call to meet the 15 November publication deadline for Cartagena. Thanks, Marika Attachment:
RAP IDT Letter to the GNSO Council - Updated 8 November version 5.doc Attachment:
RAP IDT Letter to the GNSO Council - Updated 8 November version 5 Clean.doc