[gnso-review-dt] UPDATE: 360 Supplementary Assessment
Dear All, I just wanted to provide you with a quick update on the final numbers for the 360 Supplementary Assessment, as well as provide you with some additional information. CALL TO ACTION Following the posting of the initial Westlake report later this year, there are to be two follow up Working Party calls (2 hours in length) to discuss the draft, discuss the findings, and provide input. Please be sure to fill out the doodle polls for these calls (scheduled for 5-Jan-2015 and 12-Jan-2015) by 14-Nov-2014-2014 23:59 UTC. Meeting invites will be sent following the close of the doodles. * http://doodle.com/meqe82swfw8izwee * http://doodle.com/hxpbs9iq5bpwuypx 360 SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT * 50 respondents started the 360 Supplementary Assessment. * 30 of the 50 respondents identified themselves as a Working Group member. * 26 of the 30 respondents completed the survey. * The Westlake team is in the process of aggregating and analyzing all responses. I have attached some figures, provided by Westlake, on the final outcome for everyone's reference. The analysis of the figures will be discussed on the upcoming call. UPCOMING CALL AGENDA * Please note that the agenda for the upcoming call has been posted to the wiki<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/48337497/Agenda%20-%20GNSO%20WP%20-%2013%20Nov%202014.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1415660772000&api=v2>, as well as attached for your convenience. Regards, Matt Ashtiani Strategic Initiatives Manager ICANN 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 USA Attachment:
GNSO Supp-4.jpg Attachment:
GNSO Supp-3.png Attachment:
GNSO Supp-2.jpg Attachment:
GNSO Supp-1.png Attachment:
Agenda - GNSO WP - 13 Nov 2014.pdf |