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[gnso-review-dt] RE: Updated on GNSO Review Working Party Timeline
- To: "Larisa B. Gurnick" <larisa.gurnick@xxxxxxxxx>, Jen Wolfe <jwolfe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-review-dt] RE: Updated on GNSO Review Working Party Timeline
- From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 22:24:10 +0000
Thanks Larisa.
From: Larisa B. Gurnick [mailto:larisa.gurnick@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 2:09 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck; Jen Wolfe; gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Jonathan Robinson (jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx); Glen de Saint Géry
Subject: RE: Updated on GNSO Review Working Party Timeline
Please feel free to share the extended timeline and related details - for your
convenience, the information is posted<https://community.icann.org/x/OJLhAg> on
the home page of the GNSO Review community wiki. The detailed
timeline<https://community.icann.org/x/VwEnAw> is also available in the wiki,
where progress is tracked.
From: Gomes, Chuck [mailto:cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 10:25 AM
To: Jen Wolfe; gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Larisa B. Gurnick; Jonathan Robinson
(jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx>); Glen de
Saint Géry
Subject: RE: Updated on GNSO Review Working Party Timeline
Thanks Jen and Larisa and Westlake. This seems very responsive in my opinion
to the concerns that were communicated on the Working Call that I just listened.
I have one question: Is it okay if I share the timeline below with the RySG;
questions were asked about the timeline on the RySG call yesterday.
From: owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
[mailto:owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jen Wolfe
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 10:48 AM
To: gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Larisa B. Gurnick; Jonathan Robinson
(jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx>); Glen de
Saint Géry (Glen@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:Glen@xxxxxxxxx>)
Subject: [gnso-review-dt] Updated on GNSO Review Working Party Timeline
Dear GNSO Review Working Party,
Thank you to everyone for your active participation in our call to provide
initial feedback to the Westlake team last week. You diligence in reviewing
the report and providing feedback is greatly appreciated!
To address concerns regarding the timeline, we have worked with Staff and
Westlake to adjust the timeframe for next steps. I have attached a Word
document which details the adjusted time frame and also dropped in below a
graphic showing the timeline modified to respond to community concerns.
Please continue to provide redlines, letters or responses through March 20th,
so that Westlake can take this into consideration when revising their report.
You can send this through the list or post on the wiki. All comments will be
provided to Westlake.
When delivering the next version of the report, we have asked Westlake to be
clear in stating its rationale for any comments which they do not take
incorporate into their report. The next version will be provided as Draft 0
and circulated on April 24th. Please note dates for subsequent calls and
meetings to respond to Draft 0 are included on the attached timeline and
I hope you will agree this is helpful in providing additional time to gather
and provide feedback in a meaningful way. I look forward to continuing to work
with you and welcome your feedback. I wish you all a Happy Spring and look
forward to talking again in May!
jennifer c. WOLFE, esq., apr, SSBB
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