[gnso-review-dt] GNSO Review - Update and Doodle Poll
Dear GNSO Review Working Party, First, we'd like to update you on the timeline. To allow for additional time for you to complete your evaluation of the 36 recommendations, the OEC will defer their consideration until ICANN 55. Additionally, it has been suggested that the Feasibility Assessment and Prioritization of Final Recommendations that will result from your work be voted on by the GNSO Council prior to being considered for action by the full Board. Staff has been coordinating these plans with Jen and because of the extensive work you already completed on the assessment of recommendations, we estimate that one more Working Party meeting will be sufficient to complete the work in preparation for the Council meeting. Below is a projected timeline through June. As you can see, in order for us to meet these dates, the Working Party must submit its report to Council by 8 February for the 18 February Council Meeting. [cid:image003.png@01D15536.26CCDC90] I have set up a doodle poll<http://doodle.com/poll/57cztmtcdb95kqf2> for a one hour call during the first week of February. Please complete this poll by 27 January so that I can have the call details sent to your calendar. In preparation for the call, attached you will find an Excel document that provides an initial score and ranks each of the recommendations based on the criteria we have been using (ease, cost, strategic direction alignment, impact on other groups/work, additional info, and priority). During our call, we will be able to easily re-sort the recommendations according to the Working Party's suggested prioritization. Jen provided language for the recommendations highlighted in yellow (see column D). We can review and modify/refine the language, if necessary, on the call as well. I am attaching Chuck's comments that he sent to the WP on 30 December for ease of reference. If you want to provide feedback on the recommendations prior to the call, please feel free to send an email to the mailing list. Regards, Charla Charla K. Shambley Strategic Initiatives Program Manager ICANN 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094 310-745-1943 Attachment:
GNSO Review Rec Prioritization - 24 Dec 2015.xlsx Attachment:
Gomes Suggestions for GNSO Review Working Party Discussion 30 Dec 2015.docx