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Re: [gnso-rn-wg] Draft Final WG Report

  • To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-rn-wg] Draft Final WG Report
  • From: Liz Williams <liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:20:50 +0100


Thank you so much for this excellent piece of work which is so comprehensive and orderly.

A couple of suggestions as you get through completing the work

1. The most time critical piece is recommendations from the group regarding new TLDs. Could you separate out a table of recommendations that relates particularly to new TLDs?

For example, recommendation 1 (and I'm making this up). "With respect to string criteria and reserved names at the top level, the Working Group recommends that the following sets of names x y z remain reserved..." Recommendation 2, "With respect to policies for contractual conditions for new TLD operators, the Working Group recommends that the existing contractual conditions (and refer to the correct Appendix) remain in place, should be changed, could be improved ..."

This is necessary to fill the placeholder markers I have in the new TLDs report which could be incorporated at the Lisbon meeting.

2. It would be helpful in the "need more work section" to specify what the WG thinks may be the best way of completing the work. For example, with respect to geopolitical identifiers, the group may wish to make a suggestion along the following lines (and I'm making this up as well) "The WG suggests that the Committee meet for a working session with the GAC; prepare correspondence; decide on x y z..." This is, again, a very important piece of the work for the new TLDs process where we are relying on other participants.

3. Some of the suggestions that the Group makes will have a direct bearing on the implementation plan which is, as you know, being developed in parallel with the policy development process. I would like to arrange a meeting (by phone) with you and any members of the group who may be interested, to talk to Craig Schwartz (who is leading on the implementation planning) earlier rather than later in the work.

4. One final set of thoughts about allocation methods -- if the WG recommends that some names, in the new TLD round, would be available for the future then those previously reserved names for exsiting registries would just become like any other application? That means that the allocation methods for string contention would be the same as is currently under discussion.

5. Lastly, do you plan to separate out in your report the treatment of reserved names in existing registries. If it's determined that some current reservations will be changed, then the outstanding piece of the work is a proposal for an allocation method for those names at some later date OR do you expect those reservations to be "lifted" and become part of the process for the new TLDs round?

Sorry -- lots of questions and suggestions which I'm more than happy to help with if you need it.

Kind regards and, again, thanks so much for cracking the whip over your poor volunteers so effectively!


Liz Williams
Senior Policy Counselor
ICANN - Brussels
+32 2 234 7874 tel
+32 2 234 7848 fax
+32 497 07 4243 mob

On 07 Mar 2007, at 01:45, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

<GNSO Reserved Name Working Group Report 6 Mar 07 Draft.doc>

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