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[gnso-thickwhoispdp-wg] Action items from yesterday's meeting

  • To: "gnso-thickwhoispdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-thickwhoispdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-thickwhoispdp-wg] Action items from yesterday's meeting
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 06:12:16 -0800

Dear All,

Thank you very much for participating in yesterday's 'thick' Whois WG
meeting. Attached you'll find the slides that were used during the meeting
for your review. As a reminder:
* Please complete your Statement of Interest if you have not done so yet. In
case of questions or problems, please contact the GNSO Secretariat
* Mikey O'Connor received the support of those on the call to take on the
role of Chair of this Working Group. There was also support for leaving the
option open of having a vice-chair / co-chair, but that for the time being
there was no immediate need to fill this position as Mikey has indicated
that he is willing to lead this group by himself for now. Should there be
other candidates for the Chair position, please express your interest on the
mailing list as soon as possible. The objective is to select the WG Chair at
the next meeting so that this can be communicated to the GNSO Council for
their confirmation.
* The next WG meeting will take place on Tuesday 20 November at 15.00 UTC. A
doodle poll will be circulated to confirm whether this time (15.00 UTC) or a
later time on Tuesday is the most convenient time for weekly meetings going
forward as the current time poses a conflict for some of the ALAC members on
the WG once a month.
As also mentioned on the call, if any of you, especially those that are new
to a GNSO Working Group, have any questions or would like further
explanations concerning the process and/or requirements, please do not
hesitate to let me know.

With best regards,


Sr. Policy Director, ICANN

Attachment: Thick Whois PDP - Overview of Docs - 13 Nov 2012.ppt (Read-Only).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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