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Re: [gnso-trans-wg] Key Cttee Dates

  • To: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-trans-wg] Key Cttee Dates
  • From: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 14:57:58 -0500

It's been pointed out to me that the dates and the days don't match up!

Here is a revised list of dates and days...sorry for the confusion.

Monday November 5, 2007 - Each cttee member will have completed their self-review of the document: http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/Transfer-Policy-Issues-23aug07.pdf . Everyone should also familiarize themselves with the other recent domain portability related policy documents found attached here: http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg03895.html
Sunday November 11, 2007 - Close of cttee comments and questions on  
working group resource documents. Questions, comments or concerns  
should be forwarded to the cttee mailing list for consideration prior  
to this time.
Sunday November 18, 2007 - Deadline for submission of respective  
prioritized issues list. A template will be forwarded to the cttee  
prior to November 9, 2007.
Tuesday November 20, 2007 - Integrated prioritzation list circulated  
back to the prioritization cttee based on inputs received from cttee  
by November 18.
Monday November 26, 2007 - Conference call to finalize integrated  
priority list prior to distribution back to Council.
Friday November 30, 2007 - Committee closure

I will be sending the prioritization template out shortly. Please send your responses back to me directly. I will compile a list of those surveys that I've received to make sure that I've properly accounted for all submissions. The deadline for submissions is November 18.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

On 26-Oct-07, at 3:55 PM, Ross Rader wrote:

Here is a run down on the key dates for our work based on the  
earlier proposal. This will be a very flexible calendar, but I would  
like to complete our work by December 1 in any event. Please let me  
know if any of these dates or deadlines need fine-tuning.
Thanks again everyone.

Monday November 5, 2007 - Each cttee member will have completed their self-review of the document: http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/Transfer-Policy-Issues-23aug07.pdf . Everyone should also familiarize themselves with the other recent domain portability related policy documents found attached here: http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg03895.html
Sunday November 9, 2007 - Close of cttee comments and questions on  
working group resource documents. Questions, comments or concerns  
should be forwarded to the cttee mailing list for consideration  
prior to this time.
Sunday November 18, 2007 - Deadline for submission of respective  
prioritized issues list. A template will be forwarded to the cttee  
prior to November 9, 2007.
Tuesday November 19, 2007 - Integrated prioritzation list circulated  
back to the prioritization cttee based on inputs received from cttee  
by November 18.
Monday November 26, 2007 - Conference call to finalize integrated  
priority list prior to distribution back to Council.
Friday November 30, 2007 - Committee closure.

Ross Rader
Director, Retail Services
t. 416.538.5492
c. 416.828.8783

"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."
- Erik Nupponen

Ross Rader
Director, Retail Services
t. 416.538.5492
c. 416.828.8783

"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."
- Erik Nupponen

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