[gnso-trans-wg] Priorities Data
Tim had an excellent suggestion that I could share the data anonymously which would get around the issue of the terms under which I solicited the data. Great idea. I've created an anonymous worksheet that shows the data for each submission as well as the average and median rankings. The consensus ranking was calculating using the median of the submissions (essentially the average of the frequency) which shows us the "central tendency", or the mathematical middle ground. Theoretically, this is where the consensus of the group lay in terms of the importance of each of these items. I've attached the worksheet as a PDF along with a brief note inline. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks again for the great suggestion Tim. Ross Rader Director, Retail Services t. 416.538.5492 c. 416.828.8783 http://www.domaindirect.com "To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow." - Erik Nupponen Attachment:
GNSO Transfers Priorities Worksheet - Anonymous.pdf