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[gnso-travel-dt] Suggested request to Councilors

  • To: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] Suggested request to Councilors
  • From: "Tim Ruiz" <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 03:19:40 -0700

I think Olga or one of the travel dt members should post a request
similar to this on the Council list. We could also discuss on our call

Dear Councilors,

The Travel Drafting Team would like to make its recommendations for
allocation of the GNSO reserved funds as soon as possible. To assist us
in that task please review the table below regarding ICANN provided
travel funding left for Sydney. Does your constituency request travel
assistance beyond that? If so, please let us know the number of
travelers and type of assistance being requested (airfare, per diem, or
full). We would like this information by end of day Friday 27 March.

ICANN provided travel funding left for this fiscal year (in terms of
full support slots):
NCUC - 1
ISPC - 1
RyC - 4
BC - 1
RrC - 2
IPC - 3.5


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