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Re: [gnso-travel-dt] Summary of today's Travel Support Call with Kevin Wilson

  • To: Kevin Wilson <kevin.wilson@xxxxxxxxx>, Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-travel-dt] Summary of today's Travel Support Call with Kevin Wilson
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 19:46:54 +0200

Hi Kevin,

Please see the message I¹ve just sent to the list that I think answers your

I do hope you didn¹t take my previous comment to mean that I found you
disappointing. It¹s the lack of debate that I found disappointing.



Le 14/05/09 19:41, « Kevin Wilson » <kevin.wilson@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Stephane, 
> Sorry the call was disappointing.   I will update the slides to provide more
> clarity to the extent possible for the next call.   Do you have more specific
> ideas on what you expected on:
> ·        core travel funding issues
> I didn¹t focus on how we are handling all of the travel admin issues (e.g.,
> visa, exception rules, etc.).   Should I share more on that?
> Kevin
> From: owner-gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx]
> On Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 9:22 AM
> To: Olga Cavalli; Tim Ruiz
> Cc: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [gnso-travel-dt] Summary of today's Travel Support Call with
> Kevin Wilson
> I have to admit I found the call very disappointing.
> There was no real discussion on the core travel funding issues and the only
> part of interest was Kevin¹s explanation of what ICANN is planning for the
> next fiscal year.
> Tim¹s summary is spot on.
> Stéphane
> Le 14/05/09 18:15, « Olga Cavalli » <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Thanks Tim for the update, very helpful.
> It seems that the travel support situation is better now for GNSO.
> As for the drafting team activities, we cuould review the outcome text by 25
> May and then decide if we want to make comments as a council or not.
> Any other comments?
> Best regards
> Olga
> 2009/5/14 Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> A transcript of the call will be available and Glen sent Kevin's
> presentation to both lists. But, as promised, here is a brief summary:
> The proposed support for FY10 is:
> GNSO increased from 13 to 23 (includes the NCAs)
> ccNSO stays flat at 12
> ASO stays flat at 6
> GAC increased from 0 to 6
> At Large stays flat 23 (15 ALAC, 8 RALO)
> SSAC stays flat at 0
> RSSAC stays flat at 0
> Total per meeting from 54 to 70
> Travel budget for FY10 1.72mil USD, up from 1.45mil USD in FY09
> Staff is working on an Exceptions Policy for timing conflicts, want to
> book their own travel, find less expensive arrangements, etc.
> Staff is still looking into questions on per diems, visa expenses, class
> of travel, and remote participation.
> A full draft of the FY10 Travel Support Guidelines will be posted by 25
> May for public comment, with a final Guidelines and Summary for Seoul by
> 30 June.
> Tim

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