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[gnso-travel-dt] Meeting tomorrow Room 5-6 Level 2 18 hs.

  • To: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] Meeting tomorrow Room 5-6 Level 2 18 hs.
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 06:32:28 -0300


In preparation for our meeting tomorrow with Kevin, Stacy and Steve Antonoff
(Room 5-6 Level 2, 18 hs) I have copied some of the relevant information
exchanged in our drafting team list and in the GNSO council list.

Please let me know if you want to propose some specific items for discussion
or an agenda for the meeting.

See you tomorrow,

Best regards


*a) Document available for public comment:*

Community Travel Support Guidelines
for Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 2010 (FY10)
Request for Community Comment
 Date of Publication 27 May 2009


2. Community Travel Support – Proposed support for FY10
This draft Travel Support Guidelines proposes the following travel support
community members.
Travel support is expanded to include an allowance for 23 members, which is
equivalent to 21 GNSO council members, including those appointed by the
and 2 liaisons. The travel support for the GNSO includes the cost of air
travel, lodging,
and a per diem amount set for each city. How supported travelers will be
selected, and
which specific individuals are to be supported, is to be recommended by the
GNSO and
communicated to ICANN staff. GNSO supported members receive air travel
support set
at economy levels, except for the Chair who is eligible to receive air
travel at business


*b) DNSO funds release*

GNSO approved the release of the $19,963.79 DNSO restricted funds to support
the travel costs for members of the six GNSO constituencies.  It was
expected to recieve 6 requests for US$ 3,3327.30. (19,964.79/6).

GNSO approved resolution http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions/#200904

Status of the remaining funds is summarized in this table:



*Allocated by GNSO*

*Amount Paid*



Greg Ruth





Pd $1980 in Cairo per GNSO 20080904-5 resolution

Ute Decker





Pd $1980 in Cairo per GNSO 20080904-5 resolution





Requested rollover

Tim Ruiz






Gary Hills














Additional information included when the table was sent: (2 June)

·         The RrC and BC have requested funding.  All documentation has been
provided and payment will be made this week.

·         The RyC has requested that the funds be rolled over to Seoul; I
expect that the funds will be transferred to the RyC account prior to the
end of the fiscal year.

·         ISPC and IPC both received support at the Cairo meeting.  They
each have $1,347.30, which if the attached procedures are followed can be
released for support for other travelers.

·          NCUC appears to be in process to be requested based on recent
email traffic with Robin and Mary.

*c) Travel Drafting list after Mexico meeting with Icann Staff (March 2009)*

All GNSO council members should be funded to attend ICANN meetings.

All council members volunteer their time and the GNSO amount of work is a

The amount of work in GNSO is highly increasing due to the GNSO
restructuring and the different steering committees and working groups that
council member participate in.

GNSO must undergo restructuring and this enormous task is unbudgeted and no
additional resource is allocated for this purpose.  Hence, extended travel
funding especially in this period
is required. If there is additional work, then there is a need for
additional funding resources.

The workload of the GNSO is, at least in these times, enormous and it would
be unrealistic for the structures to work by volunteers being stretched
beyond limits especially without travel support. This support may include WG
and DT members as the Constituencies may nominate.

It could be good if constituencies receive the travel funds and they
distribute these funds among their members with flexibility.

The budgeted amount for GNSO should be monetized and divided equally between
Constituencies (possibly SGs if there is a proliferation of Constituencies).

Constituency allocation should be transparent but at the discretion of the

If in one Financial Year a Constituency does not utilize and saves its
allocation, that allocation should be reserved and rolled over into travel
reserves for the next FY in addition to the budget allocation for the next.

A growth in the active participation of ALL GNSO Councilors in ICANN
meetings may enhance the face to face work of GNSO making it more efficient
and also it may also benefit the work on teleconference meetings.

It may also benefit the participation by a broader spectrum of the GNSO
Travel funding should not impact registrar or registry fees.

According to the proposed budget documents, ICANN expects revenues that will
be $13 million "in excess" of ICANN's budget for FY10.

A rough estimate of the extra cost of funding all councilors' funding for
next year is $200K.

It could be useful to know a detailed breakdown of the GNSO travel support

Also it could help knowing the travel support provided to the GNSO today and
the monetary amount of travel support for ALL GNSO Councilors.

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