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Re: [gnso-udrp-dt] Action Items From Today's Call

  • To: <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-udrp-dt] Action Items From Today's Call
  • From: "Taylor, David" <David.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 12:48:10 +0200

Tim, Wendy

Thanks for your input. I think all viewpoints are welcomed. On our call of 
yesterday we did not exclude sending the questionnaire to others, simply 
thought that the current UDRP providers likely to be one of the best sources of 
data in the first instance. Do let Margie know of others we could send it to.


David Taylor 
Hogan Lovells International LLP 
6 Avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France 
Tel:+33 (0) 1 53 67 47 47 
Fax:+33 (0) 1 53 67 47 48 

From: Tim Ruiz [mailto:tim@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 12:26 PM
To: wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx <wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
Cc: gnso-udrp-dt@xxxxxxxxx <gnso-udrp-dt@xxxxxxxxx>; Margie.Milam@xxxxxxxxx 
Subject: RE: [gnso-udrp-dt] Action Items From Today's Call 

I agree with Wendy. It sounds like the focus is on providers only.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [gnso-udrp-dt] Action Items From Today's Call
> From: Wendy Seltzer 
> Date: Mon, April 04, 2011 4:26 pm
> To: Margie Milam 
> Cc: "gnso-udrp-dt@xxxxxxxxx" 
> I'm sorry I had to miss the call. Did the group consider reaching out
> through our networks to find additional viewpoints? For example,
> academics who have studied the UDRP, and individuals who have been in
> domain name disputes but who have not been represented by attorneys.
> Thanks,
> --Wendy
> On 04/04/2011 05:15 PM, Margie Milam wrote:
> > Dear All,
> > 
> > Here is a brief summary of the action item's resulting from today's call:
> > 
> > 
> > * David Taylor, John Berard, and I will work together to draft a 
> > questionnaire to send to each of the UDRP providers in the next few days, 
> > to be sent out as soon as possible.
> > 
> > * We will schedule an initial webinar for late/April early March, for 90 
> > minutes, organized as follows:
> > 
> > o Each UDRP provider will be allocated five minutes to address how to make 
> > the UDPR more efficient, and to discuss/rank their top issues for 
> > improvements the UDRP (total of 20 min).
> > 
> > o Each UDRP provider will be asked to recommend two panelists, from which a 
> > few speakers would be selected (for a total of 20 min) to discuss their 
> > issues
> > 
> > o Each UDRP provider will also be asked to recommend two attorneys- one 
> > that regularly represents complainants, and one that regularly represents 
> > respondents, from which a few speakers would be selected (for a total of 20 
> > min) to discuss their issues
> > 
> > o Remainder of the webinar for audience input
> > 
> > * The purpose of the initial webinar is to help frame the issues for the 
> > drafting of the Issue Report. There will be additional opportunities for 
> > providers/panelists to provide information throughout this process, 
> > including, through scheduling a session in Singapore and additional 
> > webinars, and during the PDP itself should one be commenced.
> > 
> > * It was suggested that a "Preliminary Issue Report" be published after the 
> > initial webinar, in time for the Singapore Meeting, and the opening of a 
> > public comment period that would run through and after the Singapore 
> > Meeting. After that, a "Final Issue Report" would be presented to the 
> > Council, which would incorporate comments received during the Singapore 
> > session and the public comment period.
> > 
> > * Regarding additional documents to review- the IRT/STI comments filed 
> > during the public comment period for references to issues related to the 
> > UDRP, and WIPO's recently published annual report on its UDRP cases.
> > 
> > Finally, Gisella will send around a doodle for next week Tues/Wed, for a 
> > follow-up call.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Margie
> > ______
> > 
> > Margie Milam
> > Senior Policy Counselor
> > ______
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx +1 914-374-0613
> Fellow, Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy
> Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
> http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/seltzer.html
> https://www.chillingeffects.org/
> https://www.torproject.org/
> http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/

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