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[gnso-vi-feb10] FW: VI PDP Signup & SOI

  • To: "Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx" <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] FW: VI PDP Signup & SOI
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:16:02 -0700

Forwarded From: Berry Cobb


Please add me to the VI PDP team.  I am already added to the list, as I 
participated on the VI DT.  Attached is my SOI.  Thank you

1.       Current vocation, employer and position

President of Infinity Portals LLC

2.       Type of work performed in 1 above

Small business owner of Infinity Portals LLC; a domain portfolio management & 
Services Consulting company; including domain investment activities and brand 
content development across social, political, environmental, and information 
technology channels.  My interest is the future landscape of the Internet and 
DNS, and I am excited about the future gTLD expansion.  It will foster new 
innovations and consumer choice.  However, I am also concerned about how 
existing market issues may amplify or negatively increase as a result of the 
expansion.  As such, I am strongly biased toward seeing consistency, 
reliability, and predictability in all aspects of the market, but only where 
feasible and favorable conditions exist.

3.       Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership 
interest in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested parties 
in ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or 
other  arrangement


4.       Identify any type of commercial interest in ICANN policy development 
outcomes.  Are you representing other parties?

None, and I do not represent any party other than myself, as a small business 
owner, that depends upon the stability of the internet.  Nor am I affiliated 
with any entity interested in applying for new gTLDs.

5.       Describe any arrangements or agreements between you and any other 
group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination or selection as an 
advisory group team member

None, I volunteered.  However, as a member of the Business Constituency, I 
intend to disseminate important outcomes of this Working Group to the BC as 

6.  Geographic Region associated with the nationality of volunteer (Africa, 
North America, Latin America/Caribbean, Asia/Australia/Pacific and Europe)

 --- North America (United States)

7.       Stakeholder Group(s) in which volunteer currently participates within 
the ICANN organization

GNSO - Business Constituency

I am also an active member on three GNSO sponsored working groups (PEDNER, 

Berry A. Cobb
Infinity Portals LLC

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