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[gnso-vi-feb10] Question on PIR proposal

  • To: "Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx" <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] Question on PIR proposal
  • From: Jeff Eckhaus <eckhaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:51:55 -0700

Hi Kathy,

Maybe my previous emails were lost in the immediate responses to your proposal 
so I will resubmit the questions below which I believe will help in the coming 
together of all the submitted proposals:

In your proposal you state:
" With stakes high for serving the public interest, and preserving the security 
and stability of the Internet, tampering with a proven model is not an option - 
not for us, nor for the millions of registrants, websites, listserves and other 
systems which depend on the domain names we offer."

1.       If these registrants and websites are all under the .ORG gTLD ("we 
offer") how is the security and stability of the internet under threat if there 
is cross ownership allowed in new TLDs?

2.       What are the specific concerns that PIR has, that you feel could lead 
to a financial type meltdown and affect the security and stability of the 
internet ?

The reason I am asking these specific questions is that I have reviewed the 
concerns brought up in the past by PIR (http://bit.ly/2WV8Zr) and they are 
concerns for consumer abuse in new gTLDs only, not existing TLDs like .ORG.
I am not discounting threats of consumer abuse and think some are legitimate, 
but also believe that through oversight and penalties as envisioned in many 
other proposals submitted to the WG,  the harmful practices would be curbed. 
That is subject to discussion and believe what this WG is about.

I think that if we put out on the table, all the specific concerns that people 
have if we go above a specific threshold  maybe 0% or 15% then we can address 
them individually and see if there is a solution and work towards a unified 
proposal to the GNSO and Board.

I look forward to hearing what the issues are affecting .ORG from 
cross-ownership and how we can work together towards a solution

Jeff Eckhaus

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