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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Merged Proposal

  • To: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Merged Proposal
  • From: Jon Nevett <jon@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:02:53 -0400


First 18 months, 15% cap unless:

Single Registrant -- SR and employees only (no 3rd parties)
Community -- fewer than 30k names
Orphan -- good faith showing of no interest and fewer than 30K names

After 18 months, 15% cap unless:

ICANN amends criteria based on community and external inputs. 

One important distinction is that our proposal permits any entity to apply to 
be a RO, they just can't distribute the names through an affiliated registrar 
(ICANN accredited or not) unless they fall in one of the exceptions or the 
criteria is changed after 18 months.  Other proposals wouldn't permit certain 
entities from even applying to be a RO.

Hope that helps.



On Apr 26, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:

> Corrections sought. I'm attempting to understand sections 4 and 5, and
> ignoring sections 7 and 8 for the time being.
> If application type == standard, then a 15% cap, for the initial 18
> months or more, unless "orphan", by self-assertion while total
> registrations < 30,000.
> If application type == community-based, then no cap for the initial 18
> months or more, while total registrations < 30,000.
> After month 18, no cap for any type through individual request.
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric

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