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[gnso-vi-feb10] ICANN Documentary Information Disclosure Policy Request

  • To: <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] ICANN Documentary Information Disclosure Policy Request
  • From: "Michael D. Palage" <michael@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:15:59 -0400

Hello All,

A common concern regarding the Team MMA proposal is the role of national 
competition authorities, or more specifically the ability of ICANN to interact 
with them on a timely manner (aka don't delay the process any longer) and how 
ICANN would go about indentifying the appropriate national competition 
authority in a registry with a diverse registrant/registrar distribution 
marketplace (aka competition authority forum shopping). 

Ironically, many of these concerns have been raised by prospective applicants 
that are willing to rush forward and sign a registry contract that will subject 
them to potential review by these national competition authorities under terms 
set forth in the existing funnel request for new registry services. 

As part of the continuing fact finding in connection with the Team MMA 
proposal, I have personally submitted a Documentary Information Disclosure 
Policy Request under the rules set forth on ICANN's website to obtain 
information regarding the procedures ICANN have for referring a matter to 
national competition authorities. I have also requested a public disclosure of 
ICANN's new gTLD Project Plan recently referenced in the preliminary minutes 
from ICANN's Board meeting last week.

Just wanted to keep the Working Group in the loop regarding our continued fact 
finding. ICANN's General Counsel has promised a response to this request by the 
end of the day.

Best regards,


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