[gnso-vi-feb10] VI definitions from staff
Greetings, VI working group members, As you may be aware, staff was tasked with crafting some definitions of terms that might be relevant to the discussion of vertical integration concepts in order to help the GNSO and, in particular, the VI working group, develop VI policy that is built on common understanding. We started this exercise with a handful of terms and the list grew as we continued development of the Draft Applicant Guidebook and followed the working group's discussions. Attached you will find a draft list of terms and definitions we thought would be helpful to the VI WG. We spent a fair amount of time researching, debating, and editing the definitions and then sent them to ICANN's economists as a check on our work. You will likely notice that these have been influenced by v4 of the Guidebook. To be clear, though, we do not view this draft list of definitions as a final, authoritative glossary for ICANN work related to vertical integration. We are aware that some working group members have undertaken independent efforts to craft definitions and would not want to foreclose that work. Indeed, to the extent there is divergence among the staff definitions and others', I'm happy to work with the authors or the larger group to try to help reconcile those differences. I hope you find this helpful. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks. Best regards, Mike Zupke Registrar Liaison Manager Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Attachment: