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RE: [gnso-vi-feb10] telling the story of VI to the community

  • To: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx" <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-vi-feb10] telling the story of VI to the community
  • From: Milton L Mueller <mueller@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:42:45 -0400

What's conspicuously absent (from my perspective) is the identification of the 
substantive policy issues we are discussing and what the points of disagreement 
I dont think you need to spend time telling people how "hard we've worked." 


i'm starting to build an outline and thought i would ask the rest of you for 
ideas of things we should include.  i figure i'm going for about 5-8 slides 
total, no more than 10 (so's to keep the "presenting" part down to no more than 
10-15 minutes).

here's my starter-list

-- Where we've been
        -- History
        -- Approach (two waves -- fast-scramble followed by deeper-research)
        -- "Unusual" aspects of this effort (time-frame, complex Board/DAG/GNSO 
interaction, etc.)
        -- How hard we've worked (number of emails, proposals, conversations, 
polls, etc.)
-- Where we are now
        -- Either "the short-term deal", or an update on where we are at with 
regard to "the short term deal", or the conclusion that we need more research 
in order to reach consensus
-- Where we are going
        -- Either:
                The 3-4 month path to GNSO/Board policy (if we have "the short 
term deal"), or
                A plea for a little more time, because we feel like we can get 
to a deal soon, or
                The broad outlines of the questions we need to answer to get to 
a deal (eg, economics, regulatory structures, harms, definitions, etc.)
        -- A summary of the longer PDP that addresses the rest of the charter 

does that seem like the right outline?  anything huge that's missing?  anything 
huge that makes you unhappy?

i could use a few sounding-board type people, so if anybody's interested in 
volunteering to be editors/improvers let me know.  i figure we'll send a few 
drafts to the list for comment and spend a few minutes at the end of the 
Saturday face-to-face session bringing the slide-deck to final-draft.


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