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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Harms Project Draft

  • To: Jeff Eckhaus <eckhaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Harms Project Draft
  • From: Volker Greimann <vgreimann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 15:25:05 +0200

 Hi Jeff,

excellent work compiling that list from all the different sources. I agree with your chosen format of listing the arguments as well. I hope everyone who still opposed anything beyond 15% will contribute their fears in form of more or less concrete harms as well, so we can start discussing solutions instead of problems.

I have made my first pass at drafting the harms that have been mentioned, 
discussed, presented, whispered since the beginning of the VI discussions a few 
years ago. I believe I have captured most of the harms but this list is not 
final or complete, just a draft and a start. I have used ICANN presentations, 
DAG comments, and other GNSO lists as well as one on one discussion.  I have 
copied some of the main sources of the harms list in the document itself and 
have the links if anybody cares to read the complete source documents.

I specifically did not mention market power or list harms that are exclusive to 
market power, but that was just a choice I made, if others want to add on to 
the list, please feel free, remember this is brainstorming mode.

The one harm I did specifically leave out is the strategy of auctions of 
premium names or the initial holding back of reserved names. The decision to 
hold back premium names and auctions is an action by the Registry will occur 
regardless of VI/CO and is not a consequence or result of VI/CO. You can read 
the recent TLD strategy put out by Afilias (RACK supporter)  here where they 
say this is an important strategy in launching your TLD. 
If someone feels there is some way an auction can be influenced or altered due 
to VI then please add that to the list, since that could be a potential harm.

That being said, I would like to reiterate that this is brainstorming on the 
harms  and would like you to add to this list, if necessary, but please no 
deletions.  Once complete we can work on editing, ranking, sorting, predicting 
and deciding if these are harms at all, harms related to Vertical Integration, 
only in your own TLD and whatever other mechanisms we choose.

Have great weekend everyone

Jeff Eckhaus

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