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[gnso-vi-feb10] FW: Memo on Potential Harms in Context of Market Power Issues and Legal Precedents

  • To: <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] FW: Memo on Potential Harms in Context of Market Power Issues and Legal Precedents
  • From: "Roberto Gaetano" <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 21:09:48 +0200



From: Austin, Scott [mailto:SAustin@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, 07 August 2010 04:00
To: Mike O'Connor; roberto@xxxxxxxxx; owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Rosette, Kristina; cdigangi@xxxxxxxx; cchicoine@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Memo on Potential Harms in Context of Market Power Issues and Legal

Mikey and Roberto: 

I was asked to prepare a list of potential harms and the memo attached is a
proposed response. It is only to offer a framework for discussion with some
concrete examples of how legal precedent in the past has been used to
address harms and delineate both compliance and policy measures that may be
helpful to our cause. I especially felt the need to address market power and
market abuse issues as that had been expressly omitted in other lists.  I
apologize that I could not get this out sooner to meet a deadline by noon
yesterday but there was too much to summarize in that period of time. 

Best regards, 

Scott R. Austin 
Roetzel & Andress
Email:  saustin@xxxxxxxxx

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Attachment: Memo_to_VIWG_re_Potential_Harms.DOC
Description: MS-Word document

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