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[gnso-whois-study] 12 Aug Meeting Recap

  • To: <gnso-whois-study@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-whois-study] 12 Aug Meeting Recap
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:41:40 -0400

Here's a brief recap of today's Whois Study Hypotheses WG call.

*       There was no further discussion on the following so the notes
and hypotheses were finalized as previously written:

        a.       Notes 1, 2, 3 & 4 added before the table

        b.      Area 7: Whois data accuracy (#8, # 11)

*       Hypotheses were approved for the following
*       Area 7:  GAC 4
*       Area 8:  Other GAC recommendations (GAC #1, GAC #5, GAC #6, and
GAC #3)  [Note: GAC 3 was moved to Area 1 and GAC 5 & GAC 6 were moved
to Area 7; GAC data set one had previously been dealt with by adding
Note (4)]

*       An action plan with timeline was agreed to as follows:

a.       Everyone will review today's work quickly and send any comments
to the list within 3-4 hours of the end of today's call.

b.      Liz will finalize the hypotheses based on comments received
today and, NLT 13 August, will send applicable hypotheses to the
individuals who recommended the studies for their comment NLT 20 August.

c.       Liz will summarize all comments received from study proposers
and distribute them to the list NLT 25 August to allow review by group
members prior to our 26 August meeting.

d.   In addition to the above, Liz and Steve DelBianco volunteered to
prepare some draft "pearls of wisdom from the original submissions" for
full group review by 19 August.

e.   Everyone should review and discuss on the list the 'pearls of
wisdom' prior to our meeting on 26 August.

*       Next (and possibly last) meeting: Tuesday, 26 August 2008, 15:00



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