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Re: [gnso-wpm-dt] Introduction to draft Work Prioritization model

  • To: Liz Gasster <liz.gasster@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-wpm-dt] Introduction to draft Work Prioritization model
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 03:55:10 -0300

Thank you very much Liz, very helpful.
I will review this during flights back home.
Best regards

2009/11/20 Liz Gasster <liz.gasster@xxxxxxxxx>

>  Work Prioritization Team:
> As a way to help bring everyone to the same level on the GNSO Work
> Prioritization project, I have attempted to consolidate various emails and
> organize our latest thinking into a single document.    Again, this is a
> suggested draft starting place offered by staff and the group is encouraged
> to modify it as you feel appropriate.  There are three sections as
> follows:
> 1)      Recommended construct and methodology (see also attached
> spreadsheet)
> 2)      Draft definitions for two dimensions
> 3)      Procedural questions to be considered
> *1)      **Recommended construct and methodology*
> For this effort, Staff is envisioning a two dimensional matrix or chart
> (X,Y) to help the GNSO Council graphically depict its work prioritization.
> This concept is based on having each discrete project rated on two
> dimensions:  Value/Benefit (Y axis) and Difficulty/Cost (X axis).   Section
> 2 below outlines the preliminary draft definitions for each dimension (or
> axis), so we will concentrate in this section on what the chart means, how
> it would be produced, and the rating/ranking methodology including sample
> instructions.
> *Illustration*:   The chart below shows 8 illustrative projects (simply
> labeled ABC, DEF, GHI, etc.) plotted on two dimensions:  Value/Benefit (Y
> axis) and Difficulty/Cost (X axis).  In this sample depiction, Q1, Q2, Q3,
> and Q4 represent four quadrants which are drawn at the midpoints of each
> axis (arbitrarily set to 10).   Thinking about Value/Benefit versus
> Difficulty/Cost, Q1 includes those projects that have the highest value and
> lowest cost; whereas, Q4 would contain projects with the lowest value and
> highest cost.   Project ABC, in this example, is ranked 3.25 on Difficulty
> and 7.75 in Value; therefore, it is located squarely in Q1.   Conversely,
> project GHI, is rated 7.75 on Difficulty, but only 1.00 on Value and is
> thereby placed in Q4.
> How do the projects end up with these individual X, Y coordinates that
> determine their placement on the chart?
> There are several options for rating/ranking individual projects.   We will
> look specifically at two alternatives below:
> *Rating Alternative A:  *
> One option is to ask each Council member, individually and separately, to
> rate/rank each project on both dimensions.   Even with this alternative (and
> B following), there are different methods possible, for example, (1) place a
> ranking from 1 to n for each project under each column, or (2) use something
> a bit simpler, e.g. High, Medium, and Low to rate each project relative to
> the others.   Since it is arguably easier to rate each project as H, M, or L
> versus ranking them discretely from 1 to n, we will illustrate the former
> approach here.   Keep in mind that an ordinal ranking methodology would
> simply substitute a number (from 1 to 8 in our example) instead of the
> letters H, M, or L.
> *Directions*:    Rate each project on a scale of HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW for
> each dimension (Value/Benefit, Difficulty/Cost), but keep in mind that the
> rating should be *relative* to the other projects in the set.   There are
> no fixed anchors for either dimension, so raters are asked to group projects
> as LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH compared to each other.   A HIGH ranking on Value
> simply means that this project is perceived to provide significantly greater
> benefit than projects ranked as MEDIUM.
> If there are 20+ raters, we could provide a simple blank matrix and ask
> them to provide their individual scorings.   For example, assume that the
> matrix below is one individual’s ratings for all 8 illustrative projects:
> *L*
> *H*
> *L*
> *M*
> *H*
> *L*
> *M*
> *M*
> *L*
> *L*
> *H*
> *H*
> *M*
> *M*
> *M*
> *L*
> Once we have all results submitted (could be simple Word, Excel, or even
> Text Email) from all individual raters, Staff would convert each LOW to a
> Score of 1, MEDIUM = 5.5, and HIGH = 10 (see attached spreadsheet, Rankings
> tab).    We would then average the rankings for all raters and produce a
> chart as shown in the attached spreadsheet (see Summary tab).   *Note:  We
> only used 4 raters in the spreadsheet for illustrative purposes, but it is
> trivial to extend to as many raters as we decide to involve.   *
> *Rating Alternative B:  *
> Instead of asking each Council member to rate/rank each project
> individually, the Council could use a grouping technique (sometimes referred
> to as “DELPHI”).  For example, suppose we set up 4 teams based upon existing
> Stakeholder Group structures as follows:
>             Team1:           CSG  = 6
>             Team2:           NCSG = 6
>             Team3:           RySG (3) + RrSG (3)  = 6
>             Team4:           Others (NCA, Liaison) = 4-5
> Using this approach, we would have 4 small teams and we would ask for a
> single CONSENSUS score sheet from each one (whether ordinally ranked or
> rated H, M, or L).   Then, we would average those results to produce the
> overall chart (similar to the example in the spreadsheet).   We should make
> it clear that we are discouraging teams from individually rating and
> averaging their own results.   The benefit, from this modified DELPHI
> approach, is that individuals (especially new Council members) can learn
> from each other and develop, collectively, what they think the most
> appropriate answer should be.
> The above methodologies are subject to further discussion.  Ultimately, the
> Council will need to decide:
> 1)      What work prioritization construct should be utilized (we have
> suggested a simple two dimensional Risk/Cost vs. Value/Benefit displayed in
> a four quadrant model)?
> 2)      How should it be executed, e.g. participation, consensus ranking
> (Delphi), individual ratings averaged, etc.?
> * *
> *2)      **Draft definitions for the X, Y dimensions*
> *  *
> Staff proposes the following starting definitions for the axes in this
> conceptual model.
> * *
> X – Difficulty/Cost … this dimension relates to perceptions of complexity
> (e.g. technical), intricacy (e.g. many moving parts to coordinate), lack of
> cohesion (e.g. many competing interests), and, therefore, overall cost/time
> to develop a recommendation.  We could have – but chose not to – create a
> third axis to indicate the amount of time required.  This adds complexity
> and we decided that initially we would include the concept of time into the
> definition for level of difficulty.
> Y – Value/Benefit … this dimension relates to perceptions of benefit to
> ICANN and its stakeholders in terms of internet growth/expansion, enhancing
> competitiveness, increasing security/stability, and improving the user
> experience.
> Please feel free to word-smith the above descriptions…**
> * *
> *3)      **Procedural questions to be considered*
> * *
> Once the matrix is developed and all projects plotted, what should the
> Council do with the results?   This is an important question to answer
> BEFORE the rating/methodology are finalized and executed.
> * *
> The Council should discuss and decide questions such as:
> 1)      How often should it be exercised and/or what event triggers an
> analysis?
> 2)      What decisions or outcomes are expected from the process?
> Please let me know if we can provide any additional assistance prior to and
> during the upcoming conference call on Monday.
> Thanks and regards,
> Liz

Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.

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