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[gnso-wpm-dt] WPM Teleconference Summary: 2 March 2010

  • To: <gnso-wpm-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-wpm-dt] WPM Teleconference Summary: 2 March 2010
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 16:27:50 -0500

WPM Team Members:


Teleconference:  2 March 2010 (1700 UTC)


Attendees:                 Olga, Chuck, Wolf-Ulrich, and Jaime

Staff Support:            Ken and Gisella




The DT spent the hour going over the slide presentation, developed by Staff,
in preparation for Nairobi's Council Meeting on 10 March and the Wrap-Up
Session on 11 March 2010.  


The following summarizes the individual slide content changes that were
discussed and noted in the Adobe Connect room:  


S#2-5:   These background slides will be useful for the entire community,
not just the Council.  Still, given the amount of time, the team suggests
that Olga proceed through them relatively quickly.   


S#5:   Change slide to highlight that only Q1 & Q2 are part of the WPM


S#6-7:  Remove the illustrative chart and reference to models.  Combine #6-7
into one slide and hide former one.  Leave "for X-Y" off Step 2 and change
the word "Variables" to "Factors"? 


S#8:  Hide for Council and, if there is time, unhide for the Wrap-Up
Session.  Change Step 2 (bottom) to "Def's" (remove "Axis").   [Note:  This
slide was prepared to show the DT's steady progress on each of its defined
Planning Steps with some revisiting of prior activities as a result of
testing/learning.  Team members felt that it might be time-consuming to
explain and may generate questions during a limited amount of time
available; moreover, there is no compelling need to justify/defend the WPM's


S#10:  Remove sub-bullets to #1.  Add final bullet:  "Deliverable to Council
Targeted for 13 April."  Add footnote to explain that deliverable is time to
be 8 days before scheduled Council Meeting on 21 April.  




1)      Ken agreed to make the above content changes and send a new version
to the WPM email list later today, 2 March 2010. 



Prepared by:  Ken Bour

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