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Re: [gtld-council] Draft Agenda for Brussels meeting - 11 May to 13 May

  • To: "Cubberley, Maureen \(CHT\)" <MCubberley@xxxxxxxxx>, Bret Fausett <bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gtld-council] Draft Agenda for Brussels meeting - 11 May to 13 May
  • From: Norbert Klein <nhklein@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 10:09:18 +0700

Thanks, Bret and Maureen,

for raising this question of a fairly late re-scheduling and the consequences. Obviously I was wrong when I assumed for quite some time that the consensus had already moved to later in May.



Cubberley, Maureen (CHT) wrote:
Bret, Glen and All,

Bret, I agree with your observations and I'm beginning to think it is
ill-advised to proceed with the meeting.

I will be unable to attend in person. Given the importance of the task
force work (PDP feb 06), and its relationship to what we plan to work on
in Brussels, I am disappointed that the timing and travel logistics
preclude my direct participation. (Even with juggling my schedule, I
just can't get to Brussels and back in time to meet other business

Aside from, and more important than my own individual regret, is the
fact that there will be so few participants at what I understand is
intended to be a session of the entire Council, consistent with the PDP
process we have adopted for this work on new TLDs.

It seems to me that we have too few in-person participants to proceed as
planned, and I would support the idea of re-scheduling, or finding
another way to "meet", perhaps something consistent with what Bret has

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gtld-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gtld-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bret Fausett
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 2:17 PM
To: robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; gtld-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [gtld-council] Draft Agenda for Brussels meeting - 11 May
to 13 May


Do you have a head count yet for the Brussels meeting? Given the
number of apologies, I wonder whether a face-to-face meeting for this
and time is still appropriate. Perhaps we could substitute some focused
time, in our own locales, on a wiki or other Internet-based forum.

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