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Re: [gtld-council] PDP Dec 05: Follow-up to 23 June

  • To: gtld-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gtld-council] PDP Dec 05: Follow-up to 23 June
  • From: Robin Gross <robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:23:03 -0700

As I stated yesterday in the meeting, there must be a limitation on the *type* of objection that can stop an application for a new gtld (in addition to *who* can complain).

An objection to the string must be based on either law or technical/operational issues. Otherwise, we swallow up all our attempts to narrow evaluation criteria to these issues and it becomes a free for all.

The language for #20 below still permits the 'Legion of Decency' type of actors or competitors to stop an application for non-legal reasons. It encourages lobbying for and against applications - really bad idea.


philip.sheppard@xxxxxx wrote:

How about this for clarity:

"An application will be rejected if it is determined that
there is opposition to it from among established
institutions of the economic sector, or cultural community, and the degree
of that opposition is substantial.

Clarifies our intent
Deletes redundant "language community" as it is subset of cultural


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