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Reject the .XXX Scam-Nobody Wants it Except ICMR’s Investors
- To: icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Reject the .XXX Scam-Nobody Wants it Except ICMR’s Investors
- From: Jeff James <jamesjefferson95@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 22:42:25 -0700 (PDT)
Reject the .XXX Scam-Nobody Wants it Except ICMR’s Investors
The ICM Registry falsely declared in their opening proposals that they had the
support of “most” of the adult industry. I would estimate that 99.99% of the
adult industry were then, and continue to be, FIRMLY OPPOSED to the .xxx domain
name. The remaining .01% were promised kickbacks per domain, legal fees and
possible advertising dollars.
1. ICMR is operated by non-adult industry people. We are all very impressed
by businessmen Jason Hendales’ and Stuart Lawley’s sudden concern for our
children, but I’d be even more impressed if they and their investors didn’t
stand to make millions of dollars per annum on the .XXX domain name scam.
2. A .xxx domain would cost about $75.00/year, TEN TIMES what a typical domain
does. If this is about protecting children why would you make it so
prohibitively expensive that the price itself would put off almost all buyers.
Conversely, you could argue that if .xxx domains really would help children,
then the high price provides less protection to our children, because far fewer
people will buy them. But this is about money, isn’t it?
3. Purchasing overpriced .xxx domains will be “voluntary” to START (except for
those that must purchase them to block those who seek to hijack their brand
name!) But is anyone so dumb as to believe that Hendales, Lawley and their
investors will actually truly try to keep it “voluntary” when it means far less
money to them? About as likely as them tearing up a winning lottery ticket on
moral principle! Lawley says he will “give” $250,000 to a single lawyer to
“make certain it stays voluntary.” If you believe that then there is no hope
for you.
4. I am part of the adult online community (softcore) and I assure you we
VIRTUALLY TO A MAN oppose .xxx. I cannot think of ANYONE who is actually in
favor of it. Can anyone give an actual name? If it were to work it would
segregate porn into a ghetto, easy to regulate.
5. Conservatives appear to reject the idea of making a red-light district for
the spreading of porn. Oh and by the way letting the world know that tons of
porn is to be found in all .xxx domains MAKES IT EASIER, not harder, for people
and children to find it. DUH!!!! And if you mention the word “filter” to me,
I will come back at you and say, well if they work so well, why do we need the
.xxx tld? DUH again!!!!
6. I have to admit that by creating a .xxx domain ICANN itself would seem
kinda sleazy and unprofessional. You will be making yourselves known forever
to the world as the allowers and “regulators” of a massive pornographic
Red-Light District. I’ve seen it suggested that ICANN could also become liable
for what goes on in YOUR Red-Light District. You created that district and
according to the statement by the government of Canada I just read ICANN is
only supposed to be concerned with technical aspects of the administration of
domain names, not entering into a contract with a FOR-PROFIT company (with
to-be high-paid executives) to create a HIGHLY-REGULATED DOMAIN NAME.
7. By segregating adult material (initially voluntarily) into a .xxx ghetto
you will certainly tempt certain political wings in free countries and certain
unfree governments the world over to find ways to make .xxx MANDATORY.
Probably the fastest way in the United States would be to pressure credit card
processors (or just one, since VISA has 80% market share) to only process
payments for adult material that exists in the .xxx domain. That will get them
around the Constitution, because Visa is a private company. Right-wingers will
say you can have all the free speech you want, you just have to say it in .xxx
All sovereign countries will be free to make any law they please w/ regard to
the .xxx domains. Many countries will force all adult material hosted from
their countries into the .xxx domain, and you can be sure, they will include
all info about abortion, sex ed, feminine issues, homosexuality and anything
sexual or controversial they and their religious leaders/totalitarian
governments feel like.
ICANN, if the .xxx tld goes through, these free speech prohibitions WILL
HAPPEN, and EVERYONE WILL BLAME ICANN- for the massive litigation and trampling
on Internet speech that will ensue. I wouldn’t be surprised if the chaos would
lead to the stripping of all ICANN’s power. You’d deserve it if you are so
stupid or so paid-off as to embroil yourselves in this scam.
I am almost certain .XXX will fail. Conservatives, liberals, libertarians, the
Adult industry from hardcore to Playboy (is that .xxx?) OPPOSE it. We all
thought it was dead already, but a lot of money was invested in this scheme and
so it keeps creeping back in.
What the hell needs to happen before ICANN finally gets the point NO ONE wants
the .XXX ghetto? Ok, except for ICMR’s top investors.
Reject the .XXX domain name scam, for ICANN’s good, for the sake of Freedom of
Speech and for common sense.
Thank you
James Treadwell
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