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IDN is the future

  • To: idngtld-petition@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: IDN is the future
  • From: Khaled KOUBAA <k.koubaa@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 23:35:24 +0100

I support the creation of new constituency for IDN gTLD inside the GNSO.
This will bring the ability of developing best policies for the specific issues related to the new IDN gTLDthat will be introduced to the root in the future. The reason for my support is that I believe that in the future we will need a constituency that regroup stakeholders that represent non-latin script gTLDs, and this constituency will be able to define in a better way the needed policies to be proposed inside the GNSO.

Khaled KOUBAA                                       k.koubaa@xxxxxxxx
President                                         http://www.aw2i.org
Arab World Internet Institute (AW2I) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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