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IIC support ICANN for the establishment of IDN gTLD Constituency

  • To: <idngtld-petition@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: IIC support ICANN for the establishment of IDN gTLD Constituency
  • From: דויד פרידמן <david@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 22:53:50 +0300

I would like to inform the support of the Interdisciplinary Internet Center of 
Israel for the establishment of the IDN gTLD Constituency. 

The IDN gTLD Constituency is necessary for an equitable representation of the 
different IDNs community necessities and the different point of views evolving 
with the development of the IDNs practice. 

The unique combination of the different languages, different needs, different 
limitations, and different problems demands a committee with a comprehensive 


David Fridman


IIC - Interdisciplinary Internet Center

Interdisciplinary Internet Center 

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